[AI-announce] Graduate Research Assistant - Data Management

Sen Cheng sen.cheng at rub.de
Di Jan 15 17:52:09 CET 2019

Dear Students,

I am looking for a part-time (7-15 hours per week) Graduate Research
Assistant to support the newly funded DFG research unit FOR2812 in its data
management efforts. The unit will produce large amounts of computer code
and experimental data, which will be made accessible to all group members
as well as the wider scientific community. To make this data accessible
RUB, together with Prof. Sen Cheng, has started work on building a data
management infrastructure. This position will help the aforementioned
project and help the research unit annotate data sets with metadata,
document collected data and maintain a reference database.

For more information, please see the full job posting at

Best regards,

Sen Cheng.

Prof. Dr. Sen Cheng
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Institut für Neuroinformatik
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum

Büro: NB 3/33    |    +49-234- 32 29486    |    FAX:  +49-234- 32 14210
sen.cheng at rub.de    |    http://www.rub.de/cns
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