[AI-announce] Software Development Study

Julie Rother julie.rother at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Di Jan 31 10:14:48 CET 2023

Dear students, 

I am Julie Rother and I am currently writing my bachelor's thesis at the chair for Developer-Centred Security. In my thesis I conduct a study researching experiences in software development and still need some participants to take part in an interview and a small survey (approximately 45 minutes total). 


To participate you should study IT-Security (ITS) or Applied Computer Science (AI) in your master’s degree and should work in development. 

For your participation you will get a 15€ Amazon voucher. 
If you are interested in participating please answer the few questions in this recruitment questionnaire: 



After answering the questions and if you are a suitable participant I will contact you for the interviews and the survey. 


I am thankful for every participation! 


Best regards, 

Julie Rother



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