[AI-announce] Implementation of Middleware in Python study

Pascal Gimmler pascal.gimmler at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Do Apr 20 18:53:19 CEST 2023

Dear Applied Computer Science students,

My name is Pascal Gimmler and I am a master's thesis student at the 
Chair for Developer-Centred Security. I am conducting a study on code 
implementations and I would like to invite you to participate in this 

We are looking for students from ITsecurity (ITS) or Applied Computer 
Science (AI) who are able to implement code in Python. In this study you 
will implement a Python middleware, which handles the communication with 
a database. Having basic SQL knowledge is a plus but not needed.

Your participation in this study involves completing an implementation 
task (max. 4h) followed by a short interview (10 min). In appreciation 
of your participation, you will receive a 50€ amazon voucher.

To register for the study, please follow the link and complete the 


If you meet the criteria, we will contact you to arrange a meeting for 
the implementation task and the follow-up interview at the 
Ruhr-University Bochum.

If you have any questions feel free to send an e-mail to 
pascal.gimmler at rub.de

Thank you in advance for considering participating in this study. Your 
contribution is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Pascal Gimmler

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