[AI-announce] Jobs, projects, and theses in Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods

Nils Jansen n.jansen at rub.de
Di Jan 30 23:21:39 CET 2024

Dear students,

TL;DR: Exciting news! We have a new Chair in AI and Formal Methods. Interested in teaching, research, or a project? Let us know!

Long text: 

Who are we? 

We have a broad mission to increase the trustworthiness of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Headed by Prof. Dr. Nils Jansen, we conduct broad foundational and application-driven research. Our vision of neurosymbolic AI brings together the areas of machine learning and formal methods, in particular, formal verification. We tackle problems that are inspired by autonomous systems, industrial projects, and planning problems in robotics.

The following goals are central to our efforts:

- Increase the dependability of AI in safety-critical environments.
- Render AI models robust against uncertain knowledge about their environment.
- Enhance the capabilities of formal verification to handle real-world problems using learning techniques.

We are interested in various aspects of dependability and safety in AI, intelligent decision-making under uncertainty, and safe reinforcement Learning. A key aspect of our research is a thorough understanding of the (epistemic or aleatoric) uncertainty that may occur when AI systems operate in the real world.

How can you help us in teaching? 

Regarding teaching, we will re-build the Programming and Programming Languages course in the summer semester and offer a seminar on Safety and Reliability of Artificial Intelligence. For the course, we are looking for students who like programming and are willing to support us. We not only offer the possibility to help with correcting exercises but also actively look for students who are passionate about creating a great, new course and want to take part in this. 

How can you join us in research? 

For many years, it has been our strategy to involve students in cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence and help them towards their first publication. We have many exciting projects that span artificial intelligence, theoretical computer science, and machine learning. You can even work with and help set up state-of-the-art robotics! Below, we list a few recent publications that were created as part of Master's or Bachelor's theses in the last years. Note that the students are the first authors, and we finance their conference travel. Are you passionate about cutting-edge research? Then contact us at <aifm at ruhr-uni-bochum.de <mailto:aifm at ruhr-uni-bochum.de>>. In case you are nearly at the end of your studies, we also offer several PhD positions!




All the best,

Nils Jansen

Prof. Dr. Nils Jansen
Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods
Ruhr-University Bochum

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