[AI-announce] New Functional Programming Course in SS 2024
Catalin Hritcu
catalin.hritcu at gmail.com
Do Apr 4 10:52:00 CEST 2024
Dear students,
> We are happy to announce that Roberto Blanco and Clara Schneidewind from
> MPI-SP will offer a new Functional Programming course at RUB in SS 2024.
> The course teaches the OCaml programming language and requires no specific
> prior knowledge. It is open to students at all levels, both to students who
> already know programming and want to learn a more elegant programming
> paradigm, and also to students without prior programming experience. More
> information about the course is available on its Moodle page:
> https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/course/view.php?id=57071
> Please consider attending and also please help us spread the word to any
> students who could be interested in learning functional programming!
We're following up with a few more details about the Functional Programming
course from SS 2024. First, this optional course *can be taken for credit*
by BSc and MSc students in Computer Science*, Applied Computer Science*,
and IT Security*, by MSc students in Mathematics ("Nebenfach Informatik"),
and by CASA PhD students.
Second, the *lecture* will take place on Wednesdays, 14:00-16:00 (from 10
April to 17 July) in lecture hall HGB 30 and we will also try to stream and
record it. For everyone's benefit though, we would like this to remain a
mostly in-person course though, so to get the best out of it, we encourage
everyone to attend the lecture in person whenever possible.
Finally, the *exercise sessions* take place in person on Thursdays
10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00 and Fridays 10:00-12:00 (from 18 April to 19
July) in building MB, floor 5, room SM-MO-506, which is an MPI-SP seminar
room. For more details on how to reach that and also everything else,
please check the moodle link above or send us your questions.
Kind regards,
Rob, Clara, and Catalin
Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP)
*Unfortunately CS and ACS MSc students and ITS BSc students can only take
this as a free elective, ger. “Freier Wahlbereich”.
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