[AI-announce] Today: Inaugural lecture Dirk Jancke, June 19
Schab, Charlotte
Charlotte.Schab at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mi Jun 19 10:25:00 CEST 2024
Dear all,
this is just a quick reminder that today Dirk Jancke's inaugural lecture "Hacking the brain: Deciphering and manipulating the brain's algorithms" takes place in the Open Space, starting at 2 p.m.!
Afterwards there will be pizza and drinks. At 4.pm. our seminar FutureProof starts in the Open Space, this time with the company Cogitanda. Anyone interested is welcome to stay!
Best wishes
Von: Schab, Charlotte
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2024 14:35
An: 'ai-announce at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de' <ai-announce at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de<mailto:ai-announce at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de>>; 'Bsc-informatik at lists.rub.de' <Bsc-informatik at lists.rub.de<mailto:Bsc-informatik at lists.rub.de>>; 'Its-announce at lists.rub.de' <Its-announce at lists.rub.de<mailto:Its-announce at lists.rub.de>>
Betreff: Invitation: Inaugural lecture
Dear all,
the Faculty of Computer Science cordially invites you to Prof. Dr. Dirk Jancke's inaugural lecture "Hacking the brain: Deciphering and manipulating the brain's algorithms"
When? June 19, 2024, 2-3 pm lecture, afterwards get together with pizza and drinks
Where? Building MC, Open Space
Registration: https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/b/9ad7102f2bb8e9e7f748db381e43f6de-738895
Modern methods to observe brain activity have dramatically improved our understanding of neuronal computations. However, with its 100 Billion neurons, each connected with thousands of other units, the brain is still quite resistant to decryption and therefore, we are far from a unified theory of brain functioning. I will introduce recording and stimulation techniques to approach neuronal activity, outline recent advances in the development of communication between brain machine interfaces and the influence on neuronal processing. Finally, I will present some ongoing projects of our lab in these directions.
We are looking forward to welcoming many of you!
Best wishes
Charlotte Schab, M.Sc.
Marketing und PR | Marketing and PR
Phone: +49-(0)234 / 32-19251
Pers. Email: charlotte.schab at rub.de<mailto:charlotte.schab at rub.de>
Internet: www.informatik.rub.de<http://www.informatik.rub.de/>
Universitätsstraße 150, D-44801 Bochum
MC, 1st floor, room 35
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