[AI-announce] Women's Workshop & Breakfast on October 31

Schab, Charlotte Charlotte.Schab at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mo Okt 7 17:10:03 CEST 2024

Dear female* members of the Faculty,

the Equal Opportunities team of the Faculty of Computer cordially invites you to our first

Women's Workshop & Breakfast

on October 31, 2024

from 9-11am

in room MC 5.131 (kitchen lounge by the northern staircase).

Join us for informative round-table discussions on:

  *   Working & studying in a male-dominated field
  *   Getting connected across different status groups in the faculty
  *   Getting to know the female members of the faculty
  *   Women in science & research
  *   Family-friendly workplace
  *   University & faculty infrastructure
  *   Support & points of contact at the faculty and RUB
  *   Getting involved and supporting the work of the Equal Opportunities team
  *   And many more topics!

This invitation is directed towards all women* of the faculty of all status groups (students, professors, scientific staff, technical and administrative staff). Light refreshments will be provided.

Please register under https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/b/c220207a171a47efdfa443afd26378c8-900053 until October 23.

If you have any questions or would like to make suggestions for the event, please add a comment under the registration link or do not hesitate to contact us (informatik-gleichstellung at rub.de<mailto:informatik-gleichstellung at rub.de>)!

We are looking forward to seeing you!

The Equal Opportunities team of the Faculty of Computer Science, RUB

*General note: In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.

i.A. Charlotte Schab, M.Sc.
Marketing und PR | Marketing and PR

Phone:                 +49-(0)234 / 32-19251
Pers. Email:        charlotte.schab at rub.de<mailto:charlotte.schab at rub.de>
Internet:             www.informatik.rub.de<http://www.informatik.rub.de/>

Universitätsstraße 150, D-44801 Bochum
MC, 1st floor, room 62

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