[AI-announce] Invitation: Inaugural lecture Veelasha Moonsamy, November 13
Schab, Charlotte
Charlotte.Schab at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Do Okt 24 16:45:44 CEST 2024
Dear all,
after the inaugural lecture is before the inaugural lecture:
The Faculty of Computer Science cordially invites you to Prof. Dr. Veelasha Moonsamy's inaugural lecture "Towards more secure and privacy-friendly smart devices"
When? November 13, 2024, 3-4 pm lecture, afterwards get together with pizza and drinks
Where? Building MC, Open Space
Registration: https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/b/7f718371d54cae945142ca838edcea0a-934367
Over the past decades, our digital lives have moved away from stationary devices (e.g. desktop computers) to computationally-powerful smart devices, such as smartphones and IoT devices. Not only do these devices bring forth a new level of convenience for users, they are also much more vulnerable to attacks that compromise the confidentiality of users' private data. In this talk, I will reflect on the security and privacy implications underlying smart devices, present examples of vulnerabilities and countermeasures, and argue for why we need solutions that consider the interplay of software and hardware layers.
We are looking forward to welcoming many of you! Please forward the invitation to your group members.
Best wishes
Charlotte Schab, M.Sc.
Marketing und PR | Marketing and PR
Phone: +49-(0)234 / 32-19251
Pers. Email: charlotte.schab at rub.de<mailto:charlotte.schab at rub.de>
Internet: www.informatik.rub.de<http://www.informatik.rub.de/>
Universitätsstraße 150, D-44801 Bochum
MC, 1st floor, room 62
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