[AI-announce] Invitation to the Open Source Firmware Day
Simon Pohlenz
simon.pohlenz at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Do Okt 31 18:51:43 CET 2024
More information directly at *fs-its.rub.de/firmware*
Curious about customizing the deepest layer of software on your
hardware? Welcome to the world of Firmware - the most underrated yet
critical piece of software lying at every single hardware. What is even
better - we promote Open Source Firmware! Just like any open source
software, with Open Firmware, you have the right to own every line of
your firmware code.
This year, we, the IT Security Student Council, together with Open
Source Firmware Service Provider 9elements (9esec.io/), will organise an
Open Source Firmware Day to introduce you to what, why, and how to make
Open Source Firmware works. We will have experienced speakers/ experts
to share the key knowledge, showcase the current status quo, expose
security loopholes ever existed, and some developing stories behind
them. Whether you're an experienced developer or just starting out,
there's something for everyone! So don't be shy if you're completely
new, we'll be happy to give you an introduction. There will be
additional time for food and conversation afterwards.
_What do you need?_
* Please bring your laptop
* No money: Admission is free of charge
* No food or drinks: All-day catering is provided.
*Date & Time:* 23 November 2024, 8 am to 7 pm
Registration is required for participation. Although admission is free,
tickets will be checked for capacity planning purposes.
Further information + registration option at: *fs-its.rub.de/firmware*
We look forward to seeing you! Every RUB student can register.
With best regards
The IT Security Student Council
Many thanks for the extensive support to the Horst Görz Institute for IT
Security, CASA and the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy.
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