[Geoqus] Questions about viscoplasticity

Chris Salomon Chris.Salomon at uni-jena.de
Tue Aug 11 08:57:53 CEST 2015

Dear GEOQUS Members,

  I have some questions related to the theory of viscoplasticity.  
Maybe there's someone here who can help me.

  I wrote an UMAT for a (at this moment simple) viscoplastic model.  
But I'm not sure if everything is correct.

  I use the Return Mapping algorithm by Simo and Hughes (1998,  
Computational Inelasticity, Box 3.8 (P. 156) in combination with Box  
3.5 (P. 159)). Therefore it seems as if I can simply replace the  
consistency parameter (lambda) for the plastic regime with its  
counterpart in the viscoplastic regime (p). I.e. I currently use  
Perzyna's model (1966, Fundamental Problems inviscoplasticity, Rec.  
Adv. Appl. Mech. 9) for which I set


  whereas f is the yield-function and Yield the corresponding  
yield-stress. The viscoplastic strain-rate therefore becomes



  1. Can I simply replace the consistency parameter with p and still  
use  the algorithm out of Box 3.5 from Simo and Hughes? (I also want  
to include isotropic and kinematic hardening!)

  2. Is my definition of p correct? Because p now has the units  
1/(Pa*s) but I would expect it to be 1/s.

  3. I want to model subduction zones with this but am not sure if I  
should use an associative or non-associative flow-law. What do you  
think is better? For example Fossum and Brannon (2004, The SANDIA  
GeoMode: Theory and User's Guide) use non-associative flow-laws  
according to the works by Miller and Cheatham (1972, A new yield  
condition and hardening rule for rocks, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 9).

  I would really appreciate it if someone could help me.

  Chris Salomon

  PS. For a review see e.g. Chaboche (2008, A review of some  
plasticity and viscoplasticity constitutive theories, Int. J. Plas. 24).

  PPS. A much simpler version of the Return Mapping Algorithm can be  
found in Zeng et al. (1996, Numerical implementation of constitutive  
integration for rate-dependent elastoplasticity, Comp. Mech. 18).

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