[HGI-News] CFP: CHES 2007 in Vienna

Newsletter des Horst Görtz Instituts hgi-news at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mi Dez 20 19:34:02 CET 2006

***              Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware              ***
***              and Embedded Systems   (CHES 2007)              ***
***                                                              ***
***                      www.chesworkshop.org                    ***
***                                                              ***
***             Vienna, Austria, September 10-13,2007            ***

-> Call for Papers <-

The focus of this workshop is on all aspects of cryptographic
hardware and security in embedded systems. The workshop is a forum
for new results from the research community as well as from the
industry. Of special interest are contributions that describe new
methods for secure and efficient hardware implementations, and
high-speed or leak-resistant software for embedded systems, e.g.
smart cards, microprocessors, DSPs, etc. The workshop helps to
bridge the gap between the cryptography research community and the
application areas of cryptography. Consequently, we encourage
submissions from academia, industry, and other organizations. All
submitted papers will be reviewed.

This will be the ninth CHES workshop. CHES,'99 and CHES 2000 were
held at WPI,  CHES 2001 in Paris, CHES 2002 in the San Francisco Bay
Area, CHES 2003 in Cologne, CHES 2004 in Boston, CHES 2005 in
Edinburgh and CHES 2006 in Yokohama. The number of participants has
grown to more than 200, with attendees coming from industry,
academia, and government organizations. The topics of CHES 2007
include but are not limited to:

    * Computer architectures for public-key and secret-key cryptosystems
    * Reconfigurable computing in cryptography & FPGAs
    * Cryptography for pervasive computing (RFID, sensor networks, etc.)
    * Device identification
    * Cryptography in wireless applications (mobile phone, LANs, etc.)
    * Smart card attacks and architectures
    * True and pseudo random number generators
    * Embedded security
    * Efficient algorithms for embedded processors
    * Cryptographic processors and co-processors
    * Nonclassical cryptographic technologies
    * Security in commercial consumer applications such as pay-TV
      systems, automotive etc.
    * Tamper resistance on the chip and board level
    * Special-purpose hardware for cryptanalysis
    * Side channel cryptanalysis
    * Trusted computing platforms

-> Instructions for CHES Authors <-

Authors are invited to submit original papers.  Electronic
submission is required.  A detailed description of the electronic
submission procedure appears on the CHES webpages.

The submission must be anonymous, with no author names,
affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references. It should
begin with a title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords.  The
paper should be at most 12 pages (excluding the bibliography and
clearly marked appendices), and at most 15 pages in total, using at
least 11-point font and reasonable margins. Submissions not meeting
these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their
merits.  All submissions will be blind-refereed.

Only original research contributions will be considered. Submissions
which substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have
published elsewhere, or have submitted in parallel to any other
conferences or workshops that have proceedings, will be instantly
rejected. Moreover authors have to be aware that the IACR Policy on
Irregular Submissions http://www.iacr.org/irregular.html will be
strictly enforced.

-> Important Dates <-

Submission deadline:        March 12th, 2007
Acceptance notification:    May 14th, 2007
Final Version due:          June 4th, 2007.
Workshop presentations:     September 10th -- 13th, 2007

-> Mailing List <-

If you wish to receive subsequent Call for Papers and
registration information, please send a brief mail to
mailinglist at chesworkshop.org. Your details will only be used for
sending CHES related information.

-> Program Committee <-

To be announced on the CHES web page http://www.chesworkshop.org/

-> Organizational Committee <-

All correspondence and/or questions should be directed to either of
the Organizational Committee members:

Pascal Paillier (Program co-Chair), 
Gemalto, pascal.paillier at gemalto.com

Ingrid Verbauwhede (Program co-Chair), 
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Ingrid.Verbauwhede at esat.kuleuven.be

Elisabeth Oswald (General Chair), 
University of Bristol, eoswald at cs.bris.ac.uk

Cetin Kaya Koc (Publicity Chair), 
Oregon State University, koc at eecs.oregonstate.edu

-> Workshop Proceedings <-

The proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series in time for distribution at the
workshop. Accepted papers should be formatted according to the LNCS
default author instructions at URL
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html (see file
typeinst.pdf).  Notice that in order to be included in the
proceedings, the authors of an accepted paper must guarantee to
present their contribution at the workshop.


Prof. Christof Paar
Chair for Communication Security
Dept. of Electr. Eng. & Information Sciences
Ruhr-University Bochum
44780 Bochum, Germany
URL: www.crypto.rub.de
Mobil Phone: 0170 790 3393
PGP key: http://www.crypto.rub.de/team.html

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