[HGI-News] Konferenz on eVoting: 4+5.Oktober in Bochum

Newsletter des Horst Görtz Instituts hgi-news at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mi Sep 19 09:36:29 CEST 2007


anbei ein Hinweis auf eine eVoting Konferenz in Bochum, die am 4+5.10. 
statt finden wird. Mehr Informationen (sowie Anmeldung) unter 
http://www.sirrix.com/content/pages/voteid.program Das Programm findet 
sich auch in der beigefügten eMail.

Beste Grüße,


_Thursday, 4^th October:_


/08:00 -- 09:30 Registration/

09:30 -- 09:45 Welcome, Introducing

*09:45 -- 10:45 Key Note Talk by Berry Schoenmakers*

/10:45  - 11:00 Coffee/

*11:00 -- 12:30  First Session: Improvements/Extensions of existing 
**                                            /(session chair: Hugo 

          o Simulation-based analysis of E2E voting systems
            (/Olivier de Marneffe, Olivier Pereira and Jean-Jacques
          o A simple technique for safely using Punchscan and Prêt à
            Voter in mail-in elections  (/Stefan Popoveniuc and David
          o Threat analysis of a practical voting scheme with receipts
            (/Sebastien Foulle, Steve Schneider, Jacques Traore and Zhe

/12:30 -- 14:00 Lunch/

*14:00 -- 15:30 Second Session: Overview on Remote Electronic Voting
*/                                              (session chair: Roland 

          o The Development of Remote E-Voting around the World: A
            Review of Roads and Directions
            /(Robert Krimmer, Stefan Triessnig and Melanie Volkamer)/
          o Remote voting schemes: A comparative analysis
            /(Jordi Puiggali and Victor Morales)/
          o Internet-Voting: Opportunity or Threat for Democracy?
            /(Emmanuel Benoist, Bernhard Anrig and David-Olivier

// /15:30 -- 16:00 Coffee /

/ /*16:00 -- 17:30 Third Session: Evaluation of Electronic Voting Systems* 
/                                            (session chair: Robert 

          o Assessing Procedural Risks and Threats in e-Voting:
            Challenges and an Approach
            /(Adolfo Villafiorita, Komminist Weldemariam and Andrea
          o Compliance of RIES to the proposed e-Voting Protection Profile
            /(Hugo Lennaert Jonker and Melanie Volkamer)///
          o Compliance of Polyas to the Protection Profile for Remote
            Electronic Voting /(Kai Reinhard and Wolfgang Jung)/ 

*20:00 Social Event. *

Conference Dinner at Livingroom (http://www.livingroom-bochum.de/) 
Luisenstr. 9-13, Bochum



_Friday, 5^th October:_

 *09:00 -- 10:00 Fourth Session: Code Voting
/                                              (session chair: David 

          o Secure Internet Voting With Code Sheets
            /(//Jörg Helbach and Jörg Schwenk)/
          o Code Voting - Protection Against Automatic Vote Manipulation
            in an Uncontrolled Environment
            /(Rui Joaquim and Carlos Ribeiro)/

 /10:00 -- 10:30 Coffee/

/ /*10:30 -- 12:00 Fifth Session: Electronic Voting in Different Countries
*/                                           (session chair: tbc)/**

          o Electronic Voting in Belgium: Past and Future
            /(Danny De Cock and Bart Preneel)///
          o The Digital Voting Pen at the Hamburg Elections 2008:
            Electronic Voting Closest to Conventional Voting
            /(Jörg Arzt-Mergemeier, Willi Beiss and Thomas Steffens)///
          o The Security Analysis of e-voting in Japan
            /(Hiroki Hisamitsu and Keiji Takeda)/ 

/12:00 -- 13:30 Lunch/

* **13.30 -- 14:30 Sixth Session: E-Voting and Trust
                                           (*/session chair: Klaus 
Brunstein)/****/ /**

          o **/Bingo Voting: Secure and coercion-free voting using a
            trusted random number generator
            (Jens-Matthias Bohli, Jörn Müller-Quade and Stefan Röhrich)/ **
          o **//Enhancing the trust and perceived security in e-cognocracy
            /(Joan Josep Piles Contreras, José Luis Salazar Riaño, José
            Ruíz Más and José María Moreno-Jiménez)/**

 /14:30 -- 14:45 Coffee/

/ /*14:45 -- 16:00 Panel Discussion */(session chair: Ammar Alkassar)/**

-      Klaus Brunnstein (University of Hamburg, Germany)

-      Hans van Wijk (NEDAP, the Netherlands)

-      Robert Stein (Head of election division, Federal Ministry of 
Interior, Austria)


 16:00 /End of  event/.

Dr. Christopher Wolf
Horst-Görtz Institute 
Room IC 4 / 146
Ruhr-University Bochum
DE-44780 Bochum, Germany
Phone: +49 (234) 32 - 27722
Fax: +49 (234) 32 - 14886
URL: www.hgi.rub.de 

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