[HGI-News-de] HGI Kolloquium Do, 17.6.: Arithmetic of Supersingular Koblitz Curves in Characteristic Three von Roberto Avanzi

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Mo Jun 14 17:37:42 CEST 2010


im Rahmen des HGI Kolloquiums "Aktuelle Themen der IT-Sicherheit" wird am kommenden *Donnerstag* der folgende Vortrag angeboten:

Roberto Avanzi (RUB)
*Arithmetic of Supersingular Koblitz Curves in Characteristic Three*

Termin: Donnerstag, den 17. Juni um  11.00 Uhr (*s.t.*)
Raum: IC 4/161

Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen!

We consider digital expansions of scalars for supersingular Koblitz curves in characteristic three. These are expansions of integers to the algebraic base of $\tau$, where $\tau$ is a zero of a polynomial $\tau^2 \pm 3 \tau+3$.  The obvious application of these expansions is to scalar multiplication on Koblitz curves.A simple connection between $\tau$-adic expansions and balanced ternary representations is given.
Windowed non-adjacent representations are considered whereby the digits are elements of minimal norm. We exploit the rotational symmetry of the digit set to reduce the memory requirements of scalar multiplication by a factor of six with respect to previous methods. Furthermore, we give an explicit description of the elements of the digit set, allowing for a very simple and efficient precomputation strategy.
Additionally, we explicitly describe the action of some endomorphisms on the Koblitz curve as a scalar multiplication by an explicitly given integer. This is a joint work with Clemens Heuberger (Graz, Austria) and Helmut Prodinger (Stellenbosch, South Africa).

24. Juni 2010: Christopher Wolf (AG Long Term Security), Äquivalente Schlüssel in Multivariaten Quadratischen Systemen - 1. Juli: Juraj Somorovsky (NDS), Streaming-based verification of XML Signatures in SOAP Messages - 8. Juli: Peter Schwabe (Eindhoven University of Technology), New Software Speed Records for Cryptographic Pairings – 13. Juli, Dienstag(!): Susanne Wetzel (Stevens Institute of Technology), TBA - 15. Juli: Alexander Meurer (CITS), Correcting Errors in RSA Private Keys - 22. Juli: Lena Wiese (TU Dortmund), Logical Requirements for Database Security

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