[HGI-News-de] HGI Kolloquium - Zwei Vortragstermine diese Woche: Mi. und Do., 27. + 28..10.!

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Mo Okt 25 11:15:51 CEST 2010


im Rahmen des HGI Kolloquiums "Aktuelle Themen der IT-Sicherheit" wird am kommenden *Mittwoch* der folgende Vortrag angeboten:

Wayne Bur­le­son (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

**Hard­ware Se­cu­ri­ty in Na­no­me­ter CMOS**

Mittwoch, den 27. Oktober um 11.00 Uhr (*s.t.*)
Raum: wird noch auf der HGI-Kolloquiums-Seite bekannt gegeben

As com­pu­ter sys­tems be­co­me ubi­qui­tous, se­cu­ri­ty con­cerns are pa­ra­mount. Se­cu­ri­ty sys­tems are
ty­pi­cal­ly hea­vi­ly laye­red but ul­ti­mate­ly rely on low-le­vel hard­ware pri­mi­ti­ves and as­sump­ti­ons.
Light­weight ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons such as RFID, Smart cards and Smart dust re­qui­re very light­weight se­cu­ri­ty
pri­mi­ti­ves that can wi­th­stand a range of at­tacks. In this talk, we ex­plo­re the de­sign of very light­weight
True Ran­dom Num­ber Ge­ne­ra­tors and Chip Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on cir­cuits in CMOS tech­no­lo­gies at 45nm and
below. We also show si­de-chan­nel vul­nerabi­li­ties that arise in ad­van­ced CMOS tech­no­lo­gies due to
pro­cess va­ria­ti­on and noise. Some exis­ting coun­ter­me­a­su­res are shown to be weak in ad­van­ced
tech­no­lo­gies, and new coun­ter­me­a­su­res are pro­po­sed. We will di­s­cuss hard­ware Tro­jans and their
po­ten­ti­al im­pact on se­mi­con­duc­tor se­cu­ri­ty. Fi­nal­ly, we will di­s­cuss ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons in Trans­por­ta­ti­on
Pay­ment Sys­tems and Im­plan­ta­ble Me­di­cal De­vices, among others. This work is sup­por­ted by NSF, SRC,
Intel and Cisco and also gives in­sight into me­thods for sta­tis­ti­cal de­sign bey­ond se­cu­ri­ty.


Am kommenden *Donnerstag* wird der folgende Vortrag angeboten:

Falk Schel­len­berg (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

**Com­pa­ring Power and Elec­tro­ma­gne­tic Ana­ly­sis of Em­bed­ded De­vices****

Donnerstag, den 28. Oktober um 11.00 Uhr (*s.t.*)
Raum: ID 03/445

Im­ple­men­ta­ti­on at­tacks de­scri­be the extrac­tion of in­for­ma­ti­on from the
phy­si­cal be­ha­viour of a tar­get de­vice. As shown by va­rious aut­hors,
re­gard­less of the ma­the­ma­ti­cal se­cu­ri­ty of a cryp­to­gra­phic al­go­rithm, there
may be a leak of some in­for­ma­ti­on, which re­veals, e.g., a secret key.
Howe­ver, the way of me­a­su­ring this in­for­ma­ti­on in­tro­du­ces se­ver­al cru­ci­al
pa­ra­me­ters which de­ci­de about the ef­fi­ci­en­cy or suc­cess of re­vea­ling the
secret key of a tar­get de­vice. In this the­sis, we com­pa­re dif­fe­rent so
cal­led si­de-chan­nels, na­me­ly power con­sump­ti­on and elec­tro­ma­gne­tic
ema­na­ti­on, and eva­lua­te me­thods and pa­ra­me­ters for a dif­fe­ren­ti­al
cor­re­la­ti­on ana­ly­sis. Fur­ther­mo­re, we cap­tu­re the elec­tro­ma­gne­tic ema­na­ti­on
with va­rious pro­bes at dif­fe­rent po­si­ti­ons, e.g., in the ne­ar-field and on
the sur­face of the in­te­gra­ted cir­cuit. In ad­di­ti­on, we com­pa­re the prac­tical
in­flu­ence of dif­fe­rent me­a­su­re­ment pa­ra­me­ters, e.g., samp­le rate and
quan­ti­sa­ti­on, and, in order to im­pro­ve the re­sults, dif­fe­rent prepro­ces­sing
tech­ni­ques, e.g., ali­gnment, trans­for­ma­ti­on to the fre­quen­cy do­main, and
peak extrac­tion. Two po­pu­lar 8 bit micro­con­trol­lers run­ning the Ad­van­ced
En­cryp­ti­on Stan­dard with a well-known vul­nerabi­li­ty are cho­sen as tar­get
de­vices. Yet, our re­sults can be uni­ver­sal­ly ad­ap­ted to other de­vices and
ciph­ers as well.

Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen!

Im Laufe des Semesters gibt es noch viele freie Termine im HGI Kolloquium - Freiwillige vor!

Informationen über die nächsten geplanten Vorträge im Rahmen des HGI Kolloquiums sind auch im Web zu finden:

Viele Grüße

Dipl.-Ing. Florian Kohlar

Lehrstuhl für Netz- und Datensicherheit
Ruhr Universität Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150, Geb. ID 2/457
D-44780 Bochum

Telefon: +49 (0) 234 / 32-26798
Fax: +49 (0) 234 / 32-14347

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