[HGI-News-de] HGI Kolloquium: Symmetric-Key Crypto-Processor and Crypto-Processor Systems with Secure Key Management - Lubos Gaspar - *Mittwoch* 16.05.2012 *ID 04/471*

Newsletter des Horst Görtz Instituts hgi-news-deutschland at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
So Mai 13 17:07:11 CEST 2012


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

im Rahmen des HGI-Kolloquiums, organisiert vom Lehrstuhl Kryptologie und 
IT-Sicherheit (CITS), werden

_Lubos Gaspar_
_von der

Jean Monnet University


         nächsten _*Mittwoch*, den 16. Mai 2012 um 11.00 Uhr s.t. in 
Raum *ID 04/471*

_über folgende Themen referieren:


  Symmetric-Key Crypto-Processor and Crypto-Processor Systems with
  Secure Key Management

Hard­ware cryp­to­gra­phic sys­tems are op­ti­mi­zed for 
cryp­to­gra­phic al­go­rith­ms such as ci­pher modes, key ma­nage­ment 
ope­ra­ti­ons and cryp­to­gra­phic pro­to­cols. Such a sys­tem usual­ly 
con­tains a ge­ne­ral-pur­po­se pro­ces­sor (GPP) with cryp­to­gra­phic 
co-pro­ces­sor. Howe­ver, the GPP ma­ni­pu­la­tes the secret keys as 
or­di­na­ry data and mo­di­fi­ca­ti­on (in­ten­tio­nal or 
un­in­ten­tio­nal) of the pro­gram me­mo­ry con­tents can enable 
rea­ding the keys in clear outside the sys­tem. Thus, GPP are not 
sui­ta­ble for se­cu­ri­ty ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons. We pre­sent novel 
se­pa­ra­ti­on rules which sug­gest how cryp­to-pro­ces­sors and 
cryp­to-copro­ces­sors have to be de­si­gned to pro­vi­de se­cu­re key 
ma­nage­ment. The use of the se­pa­ra­ti­on rules will be 
de­mons­tra­ted on the novel HCrypt cryp­to-pro­ces­sor which is 
op­ti­mi­zed for the block ci­pher modes, pa­cket ma­nage­ment and most 
im­port­ant­ly se­cu­re key ma­nage­ment. HCrypt fea­tures 128 bits wide 
da­ta­path, 128-bit arith­me­tic logic unit, se­cu­re key sto­r­a­ge, 
two AES ciph­ers and a true ran­dom num­ber ge­ne­ra­tor. If an 
ap­p­li­ca­ti­on re­qui­res both a se­cu­re key ma­nage­ment abi­li­ty 
and GPP fle­xi­bi­li­ty, the GPP can be ex­ten­ded by a se­cu­ri­ty 
mo­du­le. The pre­sen­ted se­cu­ri­ty mo­du­le is a 
cryp­to-copro­ces­sor which com­plies with all se­pa­ra­ti­on rules. The 
se­cu­ri­ty pe­ri­me­ter is strict­ly lo­ca­ted wi­t­hin the se­cu­ri­ty 
mo­du­le. The GPP in con­junc­tion with this se­cu­ri­ty mo­du­le is not 
only ca­pa­ble of ge­ne­ral-pur­po­se tasks, but also sup­ports se­cu­re 
key ma­nage­ment pro­vi­ding a very high se­cu­ri­ty of con­fi­den­ti­al 
keys. This novel ap­proach is de­mons­tra­ted on three dif­fe­rent GPP 
pro­ces­sors: Al­te­ra NIOS II, Xi­l­inx Micro­B­la­ze, ARM Cor­tex M1. 
The last part of the pre­sen­ta­ti­on will be de­di­ca­ted to 
se­cu­ri­ty chal­len­ges when par­ti­al re­con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on 
tech­no­lo­gy is used.


Der Vortrag beginnt am *Mittwoch* um 11.00 Uhr s.t. im *ID 04/471*

Zu diesem und sämtlichen weiteren Vorträgen im Rahmen des 
HGI-Kolloquiums sind alle Studierenden und Interessierten herzlich 
eingeladen! Eine Voranmeldung ist nicht erforderlich!

Weitere Informationen gibt es auf folgender Webseite:


Beste Grüße,
Saqib A. Kakvi

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