[HGI-News-de] HGI Kolloquium 31.01.2013: Se­cu­ri­ty Ana­ly­sis of the Bit­stream En­cryp­ti­on Sche­me of Al­te­ra FPGAs

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Mo Jan 28 16:27:44 CET 2013

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

im Rahmen des HGI-Kolloquiums, organisiert vom Lehrstuhl für
Systemsicherheit (SysSec), wird Pawel Swier­czyn­ski von der
Ruhr-Universität Bo­chum am nächsten Donnerstag, den 31. Januar 2013 um
11.00 Uhr s.t. in Raum ID 04/653 über folgendes Thema referieren:

Se­cu­ri­ty Ana­ly­sis of the Bit­stream En­cryp­ti­on Sche­me of
Al­te­ra FPGAs


Ab­stract: Al­te­ra pro­vi­des cust­om logic so­lu­ti­ons and is,
be­si­des Xi­l­inx, one of the big­gest ven­dors in their sec­tor.
Al­te­ra’s Field Pro­gramma­ble Gate Ar­rays (FPGAs) are SRAM-ba­sed
de­vices and thus vo­la­ti­le, which im­plies that they load their
con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on from a con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on de­vice or a flash me­mo­ry
at each new power-up. The FPGA de­signs are given in the form of a
bit­stream. In order to pro­tect such a con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on de­sign from
being in­ter­cep­ted and thus clo­ned or mo­di­fied, a so­lu­ti­on
cal­led de­sign se­cu­ri­ty is of­fe­red. It is a fea­ture based on the
Ad­van­ced En­cryp­ti­on Stan­dard (AES) en­cryp­ti­on, and is
avail­able for the low-cost Cy­clo­ne III LS FPGAs, for the mid­ran­ge
FPGAs Aria II, and es­pe­ci­al­ly for the high-end FPGAs Stra­tix II,
Stra­tix III, Stra­tix IV, and Stra­tix V. The de­sign se­cu­ri­ty is
of­fe­red in two ver­si­ons: A non-vo­la­ti­le va­ri­ant that stores a
one-ti­me pro­gramma­ble AES key or a vo­la­ti­le so­lu­ti­on based on a
back­up bat­te­ry, al­lowing to re-pro­gram the AES key or to erase it.
The uti­li­zed AES en­gi­ne is em­bed­ded on the FPGA as an
ad­di­tio­nal unit. Its task is to de­crypt pre­vious­ly en­cryp­ted
con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on de­signs while they are down­loa­ded from an
ex­ter­nal sour­ce. Stra­tix II and Stra­tix II GX FPGAs use AES-128,
while all other so­lu­ti­ons pro­vi­de AES-256. From a ma­the­ma­ti­cal
point of view, al­go­rith­ms like AES or 3DES are high­ly se­cu­re.
Howe­ver, re­cent­ly, it was shown that the bit­stream en­cryp­ti­on
fea­ture of se­ver­al FPGA pro­duct lines is sus­cep­ti­ble to
si­de-chan­nel at­tacks that mo­ni­tor the power con­sump­ti­on of the
cryp­to­gra­phic mo­du­le. In this the­sis, we pre­sent the first
suc­cess­ful si­de-chan­nel at­tack on the bit­stream en­cryp­ti­on of
the Al­te­ra Stra­tix II FPGA, which uses the non-vo­la­ti­le
so­lu­ti­on. For this, we re­ver­se-en­gi­nee­red the de­tails of the
pro­prie­ta­ry and un­pu­blis­hed Stra­tix II bit­stream en­cryp­ti­on
sche­me (and that of Stra­tix III) from the Quar­tus II soft­ware. Based
on this in­for­ma­ti­on, we pre­sent how we ob­tained the full 128-bit
AES key of a Stra­tix II by means of si­de-chan­nel ana­ly­sis with
30,000 me­a­su­re­ments, which can be ac­qui­red in less than three
hours. The com­ple­te un­en­cryp­ted con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on bit­stream of a
Stra­tix II that is (see­mingly) pro­tec­ted by the de­sign se­cu­ri­ty
fea­ture can hence fall into the hands of a com­pe­ti­tor or cri­mi­nal
— pos­si­bly im­ply­ing sys­tem-wi­de da­ma­ge if con­fi­den­ti­al
in­for­ma­ti­on such as pro­prie­ta­ry en­cryp­ti­on sche­mes or keys
pro­gram­med into the FPGA are extrac­ted. In ad­di­ti­on to lost
In­tel­lec­tu­al Pro­per­ty (IP), re­pro­gramming the at­ta­cked FPGA
with mo­di­fied code, for in­stan­ce, to secret­ly plant a hard­ware
Tro­jan, is a par­ti­cu­lar­ly dan­ge­rous sce­na­rio for many
se­cu­ri­ty-cri­ti­cal ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons. Mo­re­over, we out­li­ne a
po­ten­ti­al pro­blem due to the In­itia­liza­t­i­on Vec­tors (IVs) that
are used in a di­sad­van­ta­ge­ous way by the en­cryp­ti­on en­gi­ne.


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 Thomas Hupperich & Johannes Hoffmann

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