From hgi-news-deutschland at Tue Mar 19 15:58:55 2024 From: hgi-news-deutschland at (=?iso-8859-1?q?Newsletter_des_Horst-G=F6rtz-Instituts_f=FCr_IT-Sich?= =?iso-8859-1?q?erheit?=) Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2024 14:58:55 +0000 Subject: -HGI News- =?iso-8859-1?q?Termine_f=FCr_die_n=E4chsten_CASA_Dist?= =?iso-8859-1?q?inguished_Lectures?= Message-ID: Bochum, 19.03.2024 Termine für die nächsten CASA Distinguished Lectures Das Exzellenzcluster "CASA - Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries" lädt Sie herzlich zu den Vorträgen ein. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht notwendig. 09. April 2024 CASA Distinguished Lecture mit Adam J. Aviv (George Washington University) Thema: "From Dashboards to Labels: Help users manage and make decision about privacy" Wo: Gebäude TZR ("MB"), Ebene 1, Raum S-MO-104, Universitätsstraße 142, 44799 Bochum Online-Teilnahme: Zoom-Webinar Abstract. The surveillance economy, where tracking and collecting data on uses for the purpose of advertising and other actions, is central to much of the money-making enterprises of the modern technology ecosystem. Due to regulations and other forces, some of the largest companies, such as Google and Apple, have prioritized mechanisms for users to better manage and receive information about the kinds of data that is being collected about them. In this talk, I will explore how effective these mechanisms really are and ask the question, who are they really serving? I will present recent experiments we've performed on Google's data dashboards and their effectiveness, and also present ongoing work on Apple's app-based privacy nutrition labels, which describe apps functionality with relation to privacy. Bio. Adam J. Aviv is an Associate Professor (with tenure) in the Department of Computer Science at the George Washington University and is the director of the GW-Usable Security (GWUSEC) Lab. He is currently on sabbatical during the 2023/2024 academic year and is a visiting scholar in the international school and the department of industrial engineering at Tel Aviv University. Dr. Aviv has published over 80 peer reviewed papers in areas related to computer security, privacy, and applied cryptography. Currently, his primary academic interests lie at the intersection of human computer interaction (HCI) and computer security and privacy, as well as research in network security and applied cryptography. He has made significant contributions in the space of mobile authentication, studying how users choose passwords and PINs for their mobile devices. Prior to GW, he was an assistant professor at the United States Naval Academy and a visiting assistant professor at Swarthmore College. Dr. Aviv received his B.S.E from Columbia University in the City of New York and his M.S.E. and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a recipient of six NSF awards as a PI, including the prestigious NSF CAREER award. 23. April 2024, 14.00 Uhr CASA Distinguished Lecture mit Martina Lindorfer (TU Wien) Details zum Thema folgen demnächst Wo: Gebäude TZR ("MB"), Ebene 1, Raum S-MO-104, Universitätsstraße 142, 44799 Bochum Online-Teilnahme: Zoom-Webinar Weitere Informationen zu unseren CASA Distinguished Lectures finden Sie hier: Auf unserem Youtube-Kanal finden Sie außerdem Aufzeichnungen der vergangenen Veranstaltungen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Christina Scholten RUHR-UNIVERSITÄT BOCHUM Horst Görtz Institut für IT-Sicherheit (HGI) / Exzellenzcluster CASA Marketing and Public Relations MC EG 78, Postfach MC 3 Universitätsstr. 150 44780 Bochum, Germany Tel: +49-(0)234-32-29274 E-Mail: christina.scholten at Wenn Sie keine weiteren Informationen vom Horst-Görtz-Institut für IT-Sicherheit mehr bekommen möchten, können Sie als Listen-Mitglied sich unter diesem Link abmelden. -------------- nächster Teil -------------- Ein Dateianhang mit HTML-Daten wurde abgetrennt... URL: