[HGI-news-int] CfP BioSig: Darmstadt, 17+18.9.09

English Newsletter of the Horst Gö rtz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Thu Dec 25 10:44:00 CET 2008

Deadline: 2009-05-15
Notification: 2009-06-15
Workshop: 2009-09-17+18
Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Proceedings: LNI

                       Call for Papers
                          BIOSIG 2009
                Biometrics and Electronic Signatures
                    - Research and Applications
                 17.-18.09.2009, Darmstadt, Germany
               Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI)
                www.cast-forum.de - www.biosig.org
                       in cooperation with

            Federal Office for       Joint Research Centre
           Information Security       European Commission
             www.bsi.bund.de              www.jrc.it

Biometrics, electronic signatures and related techniques play a
central role in the current identity management landscape as
well as in emerging future scenarios. While there are already
plenty of successful applications in which those techniques are
used to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of entities,
there are still many closely related areas which demand further
research. In order to link practical experiences and require-
ments with academic innovations, the BIOSIG 2009 workshop
focuses on Research and Applications in the area of Bio-
metrics and Electronic Signatures.

BIOSIG 2009 on 17.-18.09.2009 is jointly organized by the
Competence Center for Applied Security Technology CAST,
the German Federal Office for Information Security BSI and
the expert group BIOSIG of the Gesellschaft für Informatik.
We invite stakeholder and technical experts from public ad-
ministration, industry, science and academia to propose con-
tributions to the program of the workshop. Submissions
should be extended abstracts (3-4 pages) or full papers (max.
12 pages) in English. Submitted abstracts and papers will be
reviewed by the program committee. Accepted papers will be
presented at the workshop and published within the confer-
ence proceedings, which are planned to appear in the GI-
Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI).

Important Dates

15.05.2009   Deadline for electronic submissions
             (via e-mail to: biosig2009 at biosig.org)
15.06.2009   Notification of authors via e-mail
15.07.2009   Deadline for final papers (ready for press)
17.09.2009   Presentations on Biometrics
18.09.2009   Presentations on Electronic Signatures and
             Best Paper Award Ceremony

BIOSIG - Biometrics and Electronic Signatures

The working group Biometrics and Electronic Signatures is
dedicated to the fundamentals, methods, techniques, processes
and implementations used to guarantee the authenticity and
integrity of entities that are involved in information,
communication and operating systems employing applications
that have a need for security, as well as to the related
organizational and legal frameworks. In this context, con-
structive approaches and threat analyses are considered. In
order to develop the topics in this context and to link practical
experience with academic innovations the working group
BIOSIG is inviting for the workshop: "Biometrics and
Electronic Signatures - Research and Applications".

Topics of Interest

The topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:

* Biometric standards and interoperability,
* multimodal and multibiometrics (feature fusion, score-fusion,
  decision fusion),
* Comparison-on-Card,
* fake resistance,
* liveness detection,
* ageing of reference data,
* template protection,
* derivation of cryptographic keys from biometrics,
* remote authentication using biometrics,
* biometric middleware,
* user interface design for biometric systems and
* biometric performance measurement.

Electronic Signatures and related techniques
* Cryptographic foundations, security, efficiency and interop-
  erability of electronic signature techniques (including
  - classical signatures,
  - blind signatures,
  - designated verifier signatures,
  - fail-stop signatures,
  - forward-secure signatures,
  - group signatures,
  - intrusion resilient signatures,
  - ring signatures,
  - threshold signatures,
  - proxy signatures,
  - undeniable signatures and
  - signcryption) and
* related standards (including
  - XML DSig / XAdES,
  - CMS / CAdES,
  - PKIX etc.).
* Security, interoperability as well as legal and economic
  aspects of privacy enhancing technologies and identity management.
* Concepts for and practical experiences with systems,
  processes and applications for electronic signature and
  identity cards (e.g.
  - national identity cards,
  - electronic health and social insurance cards,
  - electronic passports,
  - electronic banking cards and
  - related large scale pilot projects such as
    STORK, epSOS and PEPPOL etc.).
* Application of electronic signatures and related techniques
  in the area of
  - electronic banking,
  - electronic health,
  - electronic government,
  - long term archiving,
  - service-oriented systems,
  - cloud computing
  - etc.

WG "BIOSIG - Biometrics and Electronic Signatures":

Christoph Busch, CAST e.V.
christoph.busch at cast-forum.de

Detlef Hühnlein, secunet Security Networks AG,
detlef.huehnlein at secunet.com

Local Organizer: Christoph Busch,
Tel.:+49-6151-155-536 biosig2009 at biosig.org

BIOSIG Webmaster: Victor-Philipp Busch, Universität
Hamburg, Tel. +49-40-94769389, webmaster at biosig.de

Program Committee
- I. Alamillo (CatCert, ES),
- A. Braunmandl (BSI, DE),
- A. Brömme (ICW, DE),
- P. Bours (GUC, NO),
- B. Bruegger (CdG, IT),
- C. Busch (CAST-Forum, DE),
- V.-P. Busch (Uni Hamburg, DE),
- H. Daum (G&D, DE),
- N. Delvaux (Sagem, FR),
- F. Deravi (UKE, UK),
- M. Drahansky (BUT, CZ),
- S. Fischer-Hübner (KAU, SE),
- M. Fischlin (TUD, DE),
- R. Grimm (Uni Koblenz, DE),
- O. Henniger (Fraunhofer SIT, DE),
- D. Hühnlein (secunet, DE),
- B. Jacobs (RU Nijmegen, NL),
- S. Katsikas (U o. Piraeus, GR),
- K. Keus (JRC, IT),
- U. Korte (BSI, DE),
- B. Kowalski (BSI, DE),
- M. Kreutzer (TUD, DE),
- A. Kühne (Trustable, DE),
- H. Leitold (A-SIT, AT),
- L. Lo Iacono (NEC, DE),
- J. Löschner (JRC, IT),
- J. Lopez (U o. Malaga, ES),
- S. Lucks (Uni Weimar, DE),
- T. Martens (SK, EE),
- G. Meister (G&D, DE),
- J. Merkle (secunet, DE),
- R. Posch (TUG, AT),
- A. Nouak (Fraunhofer IGD, DE),
- K. Rannenberg (Uni Frankfurt, DE),
- H. Roßnagel (Fraunhofer IAO, DE),
- R. Sanchez-Reillo (UCM, ES),
- G. Schumacher (JRC, IT), J.
- Schwenk (RU Bochum, DE),
- M. Snijder (EBF, IE),
- T. Teichmann (HypoVereinsbank, DE),
- R. Veldhuis (UTW, NL),
- G. Wang (University of Birmingham, UK),
- C. Wolf (RU Bochum, DE),
- X. Zhou (Fraunhofer IGD, DE)

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