[HGI-news-int] CHES 2008 in Washington D.C.: preliminary program, registration, poster & rump session, etc.

English Newsletter of the Horst Gö rtz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed Jul 2 15:52:33 CEST 2008


                  !!! 10 Years of CHES !!!

CHES 2008 in Washington D.C.: preliminary program, registration, poster 
& rump session, etc.


                        CHES 2008
                   Washington, D.C., USA
                     August 10-13, 2008
                    (sponsored by IACR)

We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement letter.



The preliminary program of CHES has been posted at

This year's CHES will include invited talks by:

  Adi Shamir, The Weizmann Institute of Science, "RSA - Past, Present, 
  Ernie Brickell, Intel Corporation, "A Vision for Platform Security".

CHES 2008 will also include a panel discussion
  "Are we solving the right problems?--
   Directions and trends in cryptographic engineering research"
with the participation of leading experts from industry,
academia, and government.

During the banquet on Monday night, August 11th,
  Christof Paar and Cetin Koc, the founders of CHES,
will mark the 10th edition of CHES with their anniversary talks
  "10 years of CHES".


The registration for CHES is open now.

In order to qualify for the early registration fee please register by
   Friday, July 11, 2008.

The student discount is 50%.

A limited number of student stipends, covering the student registration 
as well as travel and accommodation expenses is available.
The deadline for applications is
  Monday, July 7, 2008.

In order to register or apply for a student stipend please see:


A poster session will be held on
  Tuesday, August 12, 13:00-14:00 and 21:00-21:30.

A Call for Posters is published at

The deadline for the poster submissions is
   Monday, July 28.


A rump session will be held during CHES on
  Tuesday, August 12, starting at 21:30.

Rump session talks must be short (max. 5 minutes),
they should be fun or give us breaking (exciting) news.

The deadline for submitting rump session talks is
   Monday, August 11, 21:30.

Please submit an outline of your proposed talk
to Patrick Schaumont (schaum at vt.edu).

A list of accepted talks will become available
on Tuesday, at 14:00.


The reserved pool of rooms in the CHES conference hotel
is being booked very quickly.

In order to guarantee your accommodation in the conference hotel
please make your reservation as soon as possible, and not later
  Monday, July 21.

After this date, no special conference rate will apply,
and the hotel room rates will almost double.


For the first time in the history of CHES,
a small exhibit of cryptographic hardware
will be held as a part of the workshop.

Several exhibit spaces are still available
for any company or organization
willing to demonstrate their products, projects,
and services.

The benefits include the recognition and exposure
among the CHES participants from the government,
intelligence, DoD, as well as industry and academia
from the United States and over 30 other countries.

Participation in the CHES exhibit will also provide
an excellent opportunity for recruiting
highly qualified new employees
and the face-to-face conversations
with over a hundred of outstanding students
attending the workshop each year.

In order to become a workshop exhibitor
or learn more about the exhibit rules,
please see
and/or contact the workshop chairs at:
  ches2008 at iacr.org


Eight companies have already contributed as sponsors
to CHES 2008. Their list is provided at the end
of this announcement.

Workshop Sponsors have their logos and the associated
link to their company's web page prominently displayed
on the CHES web site.

All sponsors will also have their company�s logo displayed on all
promotional materials and documents associated with the workshop
(posters, workshop program, etc.).
All sponsors will also be able to provide their product and
company info brochures and other materials of their
choice for inclusion in the workshop participant bag.

Additional sponsors are sought, and can pledge their
contribution any time until August 1st, 2008.
For the largest exposure, please submit your
sponsorship pledge by July 16th.

To learn more about the sponsorship rules and
benefits, please see
and/or contact the workshop chairs at:
   ches2008 at iacr.org


The printed proceedings of CHES 2008 will be published
in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
series in time for distribution at the Workshop.

A special anniversary CD, containing an electronic version
of all proceedings of CHES since 1999 to 2008 will be
issued by Springer and distributed among the workshop
attendees as a part of the participant's package.
Additional copies of this CD will be available for purchase
during the workshop.


CHES is the premier forum for presenting new results and scientific
advances in all aspects of cryptographic hardware and security
for embedded systems. Since its first edition held at the
Worchester Polytechnic Institute in Worchester, MA in August 1999,
  - has grown to 270 participants representing over 30 countries
  - has been held in multiple locations in the U.S.A., Europe, and Asia
  - has become one of the most prestigious and competitive conferences
    in the area of applied cryptography
  - has become an international forum for the exchange of ideas
    among leading representatives of academia, industry, and government
    from all over the world.

This will be the tenth CHES workshop. CHES 1999 and CHES 2000 were
held at WPI, CHES 2001 in Paris, CHES 2002 in the San Francisco Bay
Area, CHES 2003 in Cologne, CHES 2004 in Boston, CHES 2005 in
Edinburgh, CHES 2006 in Yokohama, and CHES 2007 in Vienna.


General Co-Chairs:

Kris Gaj & Jens-Peter Kaps
George Mason University
Email: ches2008 at iacr.org

Program Co-Chairs:

Elisabeth Oswald
University of Bristol
Email: Elisabeth.Oswald at bristol.ac.uk

Pankaj Rohatgi
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Email: rohatgi at us.ibm.com

Poster and Rump Session Chair:

Patrick Schaumont
Virginia Tech
E-mail: schaum at vt.edu

Panel Discussion Moderator:

David Hwang
George Mason University
Email: dhwang at gmu.edu

Publicity Chair:

Cetin Kaya Koc
Oregon State University
Email: koc at eecs.oregonstate.edu

Steering Committee:


Program Committee:



We would like to acknowledge the current sponsors of CHES:

Gold Sponsor:

Cryptography Research, Inc.


CygnaCom Solutions
escrypt GmbH
Oberthur Technologies
Philips Intrinsic-ID
Research Center of Information Security (RCIS), Japan
Thomson R&D France

Student Stipend Sponsors:

Cryptography Research Inc.
IBM Research

See also
  [see http://www.chesworkshop.org/ches2008/start.html#sponsorsl]

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