[HGI-news-int] Open PhD or Post Doc Position for Cryptography Engineering

English Newsletter of the Horst Gö rtz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Tue May 13 13:25:06 CEST 2008

*Open Position: *
PhD or Post Doc Position for Cryptography Engineering

*Location: *
Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany


The position is within the international project CACE (Computer Aided
Cryptographic Engineering) (http://www.cace-project.eu/)
<http://www.cace-project.eu>. The goal of this project is to
*/investigate and develop/* methodologies and tools for the generation
and verification of advanced cryptographic primitives and protocols.

Applicants are expected to hold a Master's degree in computer science,
mathematics or a closely related fields. They are required to extend
and/or enhance their skills  in (some of) the following fields:
cryptography, applied number theory, compiler/language design and
implementation.  A particular area of focus in the project are
zero-knowledge proof of knowledge protocols. Expertise in any of these
fields is a plus, but not a pre-requisite. There are many opportunities
in the project for a combination of theoretical and practical advances,
but it is essential to have the ability to implement the corresponding
cryptographic tools, e.g., a compiler for  zero-knowledge proof of
knowledge protocols.

Given the international character of the project, applicants are
expected to collaborate with our partner institutions and to travel to
research meetings abroad.

The position is available now and shall be occupied as soon as possible.

The application should include a current curriculum vitae, at least one
letter of recommendation, and a letter of motivation stating the
research interests.
Please send applications or inquiries by e-mail to
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
ahmad.sadeghi at trust.rub.de

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