[HGI-news-int] Eurocrypt 2009: List of Accepted Papers

English Newsletter of the Horst Gö rtz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Sat Jan 17 21:49:39 CET 2009

Dear all,

Please find the list of accepted papers attached.

Registration for Eurocrypt 2009 is available at

Early Bird: Thu, March 26, 2009
Refund (-90USD) until Sunday, April 12, 2009
Eurocrypt: April 26-30, 2009
Location: Cologne, Germany / Köln, Deutschland

To get latest news on Eurocrypt2009, you can subscribe to its
mailinglist at:
There is also an archive on the previous postings.

If you want to order a Eurocrypt 2009 poster free of charge, go to the
Eurocrypt web-site -> Call for Papers -> "Eurocrypt 2009 Conference Poster".

Hope to see you in Cologne!

Best regards,

List of accepted papers:
%Indicates affiliations

Guilhem Castagnos and Fabien Laguillaumie. On the Security of
Cryptosystems with Quadratic Decryption: The Nicest Cryptanalysis
%Guilhem Castagnos, PRISM, université de Versailles
%Fabien Laguillaumie, GREYC, université de Caen

Mihir Bellare, Dennis Hofheinz and Scott Yilek.
Possibility and impossibility results for encryption and commitment
secure under selective opening.
%Mihir Bellare, Scott Yilek : University of California, San Diego
%Dennis Hofheinz: CWI

Qianhong Wu, Yi Mu, Willy Susilo, Bo Qin and Josep Domingo-Ferrer.
Asymmetric Group Key Agreement Revisited
%Qianhong Wu, Bo Qin and Josep Domingo-Ferrer: Rovira i Virgili
University, Tarragona, Spain
%Yi Mu, Willy Susilo: Wollongong University

Dennis Hofheinz and Eike Kiltz. Practical Chosen Ciphertext Secure
Encryption from Factoring

Takakazu Satoh. Generating genus two hyperelliptic curves over large
characteristic finite fields
%Takakazu Satoh: Department of Mathematics, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Steven Galbraith, Xibin Lin and Michael Scott. Endomorphisms for faster
elliptic curve cryptography on a large class of curves
%Steven D. Galbraith: Royal Holloway, University of London
%Xibin Lin: Sun-Yat Sen University
%Michael Scott: Dublin City University

Khaled Ouafi and Serge Vaudenay. Smashing SQUASH-0
%Khaled Ouafi, Serge Vaudenay: EPFL, Switzerland

Michel Abdalla, Dario Catalano and Dario Fiore. Verifiable Random
Functions from Identity-based Key Encapsulation
%Michel Abdalla, CNRS-Ecole Normale Supérieure, France
%Dario Catalano, Università di Catania, Italy
%Dario Fiore, Università di Catania, Italy

Itai Dinur and Adi Shamir. Cube Attacks on Tweakable Black Box Polynomials
%Itai Dinur, Adi Shamir: Computer Science department, The Weizmann
Institute, Rehobot 76100, Israel

Krzysztof Pietrzak. A Leakage-Resilient Mode of Operation
%Krzysztof Pietrzak, CWI Amsterdam

Craig Gentry and Brent Waters. Adaptive Security in Broadcast Encryption
Systems (with Short Ciphertexts)
%Craig Gentry, Stanford University
%Brent Waters, University of Texas at Austin

Chi-Jen Lu. On the Security Loss in Cryptographic Reductions
%Chi-Jen Lu: Academia Sinica

Jan Camenisch, Nishanth Chandran and Victor Shoup. A public key
encryption scheme secure against key dependent chosen plaintext and
adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks
%Jan Camenisch, IBM Zurich Research Lab
%Nishanth Chandran, UCLA
%Victor Shoup, NYU and IBM Zurich Research Lab

Yu Sasaki and Kazumaro Aoki. Finding Preimages in Full MD5 Faster than
Exhaustive Search
%Yu Sasaki (NTT),
%Kazumaro Aoki (NTT).

Lars R. Knudsen, Florian Mendel, Christian Rechberger and Soeren S.
Thomsen. Cryptanalysis of MDC-2
%Lars R. Knudsen, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark
%Florian Mendel, Institute for Applied Information Processing and
Communications, Graz University of Technology
%Christian Rechberger, Institute for Applied Information Processing and
Communications, Graz University of Technology
%Søren S. Thomsen, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of

Eike Kiltz, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Martijn Stam and Moti Yung. A New
Randomness Extraction Paradigm for Hybrid Encryption
%Eike Kiltz (CWI)
%Krzysztof Pietrzak (CWI)
%Martijn Stam (EPFL)
%Moti Yung (Google Inc. and Columbia University)

Eike Kiltz and Krzysztof Pietrzak. On the Security of Padding-Based
Encryption Schemes (Or: Why we cannot prove OAEP secure in the Standard
%Eike Kiltz (CWI)
%Krzysztof Pietrzak (CWI)

Wang Xiaoyun, Hongbo Yu, wei wang, Haina Zhang and Tao Zhan.
Cryptanalysis on HMAC/NMAC-MD5 and MD5-MAC
%Xiaoyun Wang, Center for advanced study, Tsinghua University.
%Hongbo Yu, Center for advanced study, Tsinghua University.
%Wei Wang, Key Lab of Cryptographic Technology and Information Security,
Ministry of Education, Shandong University.
%Haina Zhang,  Key Lab of Cryptographic Technology and Information
Security, Ministry of Education, Shandong University.
%Tao Zhan, Shandong University.

Divesh Aggarwal and Ueli Maurer. Breaking RSA Generically is Equivalent
to Factoring
%Divesh Aggarwal      ETH Zurich
%Ueli Maurer          ETH Zurich

Olivier Billet and Duong-Hieu Phan. Traitors Collaborating in Public:
Pirates 2.0
%Olivier Billet (Orange Labs)
%Duong Hieu Phan (University of Paris 8)

Céline Chevallier, Pierre-Alain Fouque, David Pointcheval and Sebastien
Zimmer. Optimal Randomness Extraction from a Diffie-Hellman Element
%Ecole normale supérieure, France.

Praveen Gauravaram and Lars Knudsen. On randomizing some hash functions
to strengthen the security of digital signatures
%Technical University of Denmark

Susan Hohenberger and Brent Waters. Realizing Hash-and-Sign Signatures
under Standard Assumptions
%Susan Hohenberger, Johns Hopkins University
%Brent Waters, University of Texas at Austin

Francois-Xavier Standaert, Tal Malkin and Moti Yung. A Unified Framework
for the Analysis of Side-Channel Key Recovery Attacks
%François-Xavier Standaert: UCL Crypto Group
%Tal G. Malkin: Columbia University
%Moti Yung: Google Inc. and Columbia University

Bhavana Kanukurthi and Leonid Reyzin. Key Agreement from Close Secrets
over Unsecured Channels
%Boston University

Jan Camenisch, Aggelos Kiayias and Moti Yung. On the Portability of
Generalized Schnorr Proofs
%Jan Camenisch, IBM Research
%Aggelos Kiayias, University of Connecticut,
%Moti Yung, Google Inc. and Columbia University

Mihir Bellare and Thomas Ristenpart. Simulation without the Artificial
Abort: Simplified Proof and Improved Concrete Security for Waters' IBE
%UC San Diego

Christophe Doche, David Kohel and Francesco Sica. Double-Base Number
System for Multi-Scalar Multiplications
%Christophe Doche (Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Australia)
%David R. Kohel (Universit\'e de la Mediterran\'ee, Aix-Marseille II,
%Francesco Sica (Ace-Crypt, Mount Allison University, Canada)

Daniel Bernstein, Tien-Ren Chen, Chen-Mou Cheng, Tanja Lange and Bo-Yin
Yang. ECM on Graphics Cards
%Daniel J. Bernstein, Department of Computer Science, University of
Illinois at Chicago, USA
%Tien-Ren Chen, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
%Chen-Mou Cheng, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan
University, Taiwan
%Tanja Lange, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technische
Universiteit Eindhoven, the Netherlands
%Bo-Yin Yang, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Adam O'Neill, Alexandra Boldyreva, Nathan Chenette and Younho Lee.
Order-Preserving Symmetric Encryption
%Georgia Institute of Technology

Vipul Goyal and Amit Sahai. Resettably Secure Computation

Yevgeniy Dodis, Thomas Ristenpart and Thomas Shrimpton. Salvaging
Merkle-Damgard for Practical Applications
%Yevgeniy Dodis: New York University
%Thomas Ristenpart: UC San Diego
%Thomas Shrimpton: University of Lugano and Portland State University

Kan Yasuda. A Double-Piped Mode of Operation for MACs, PRFs and PROs:
Security beyond the Birthday Barrier

Dr. Christopher Wolf
Scientific Coordinator
Horst Görtz Institute
Room IC 4 / 147
Ruhr-University Bochum
DE-44780 Bochum, Germany
Phone: +49 (234) 32 - 27722
Fax: +49 (234) 32 - 14886
URL: www.hgi.rub.de

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