[HGI-news-int] Europki 2009 - deadline extended till June 18
English Newsletter of the Horst Gö rtz Institute of IT Security in Bochum
hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed Jun 3 15:33:58 CEST 2009
** Apologies for multiple copies **
Please note that the scope of this conference has been extended beyond
PKI and PMI.
Due to several requests, the deadline has been extended:
Call for Papers
Sixth European Workshop on Public Key Services, Applications and
Infrastructures (EuroPKI'09)
9-11 September 2009
Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
EuroPKI has been a successful series of workshops started in 2003. For
the 2009 edition, the scope will be extended to cover all research
aspects of Public Key Services, Applications and Infrastructures. In
particular, we want to encourage also submissions dealing with any
innovative applications of public key cryptography. Submitted papers
may present theory, applications or practical experiences on topics
including, but not limited to:
- Anonymity and privacy
- Architecture and Modeling
- Authentication
- Authorization and Delegation
- Case Studies
- Certificates Status
- Certification Policy and Practices
- Credentials
- Cross Certification
- Directories
- eCommerce/eGovernment
- Evaluation
- Fault-Tolerance and reliability
- Federations
- Group signatures
- ID-based schemes
- Identity Management and eID
- Implementations
- Interoperability
- Key Management
- Legal issues
- Long-time archiving
- Mobile PKI
- Multi-signatures
- Policies & Regulations
- Privacy
- Privilege Management
- Protocols
- Repositories
- Risk/attacks
- Standards
- Timestamping
- Trust management
- Trusted Computing
- Ubiquitous scenarios
- Usage Control
- Web services security
* Instructions for paper submission
The Workshop welcomes original papers from academic, government, and
industry contributors dealing with the above or related issues. Papers
which describe ongoing research or provide an excellent surveying work
are welcome too. All submissions will be subjected to a thorough a blind
review by at least three reviewers.
The submission must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations,
acknowledgements, or obvious references. It should begin with a title, a
short abstract, and a list of key words, and its introduction should
summarize the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a
non-specialist reader. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk
rejection without consideration of their merits.
As for all previous EuroPKI events, it is planned that accepted papers
are published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) series. Therefore we require that submissions follow the LNCS
guidelines (see http://www.springeronline.com/lncs) with a total page
limit of 16 pages including references and appendices. Up to 6 pages of
additional supporting information may be provided, but committee members
will read this information at their discretion, so the paper should be
intelligible and self-contained within the 16 page LNCS limit.
Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the
authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to any
other conference or workshop with formally published proceedings.
Information about submissions may be shared with program chairs of other
conferences for that purpose. Accepted submissions may not appear in any
other conference or workshop with proceedings.
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format. A detailed
description of the electronic submission procedure is available at
Submissions must conform to this procedure. Late submissions and
non-electronic submissions will not be considered. Authors of accepted
papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference.
* Important dates
Submission of papers: June 18, 2009
Notification to authors: July 15, 2009
Camera-ready copies: August 10, 2007
* General Chair
Anna Vaccarelli, National Research Council, Italy
* Programme Committee co-Chairs
Fabio Martinelli, National Research Council, Italy
Bart Preneel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
* Publicity co-Chairs
Lejla Batina, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Svetla Nikova, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and University of Twente
* Programme Committee
I. Agudo Ruiz, U. of Malaga, Spain
C. Boyd, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
D. Chadwick, Kent University, UK
C. Cremers, ETH, Switzerland
G. Danezis, Microsoft Research, UK
G. Dini, U. of Pisa, Italy
R. Di Pietro, U. of Rome 3, Italy
S. Farrell, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
J. Ferrer, University of Tarragona, Spain
D. Galindo, U. of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
K. GjÃ?steen, NTNU, Norway
S. Gritzalis, U. of the Aegean, Greece
J. Hoepman, The Netherlands
D. Hoon Lee, CIST, Korea
A. JÃ?sang, U. of Oslo, Norway
S. Katsikas, U. of Piraeus, Greece
S. Kent, BBN Technologies, USA
K. Kursawe, Philips Research
A. Lioy, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
J. Lopez, U. of Malaga, Spain
D. M?Rai, Verisign, UK
S. Mauw, U. of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
C. Meadows, NRL, USA
C. Mitchell, Royal Holloway College, UK
S. MjÃ?lsnes, NTNU, Norway
D. Naccache, Ingenico and ENS, France
E. Okamoto, Tsukuba U., Japan
R. Oppliger, eSECURITY Technologies, CH
T. Pedersen, Cryptomathic, Denmark
M. Pala, Dartmouth College, USA
O. Pereira, UCL, Belgium
G. Pernul, U. Regensburg, Germany
A. Sadeghi, RUBochum, Germany
P. Samarati, U. of Milan, Italy
R. Scandariato, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
S. Smith, Dartmouth College, USA
J. Zhou, Inst. Infocomm Research, Singapore
The conference will be held in the convention centre of the CNR Research
Area in Pisa .
Pisa is a small historical town, world-wide known for the "Torre
pendente" (leaning tower), one of the monuments of "Campo dei Miracoli"
(field of miracles). With its international Airport, with direct flights
(often low cost) with several European cities (such as Paris, London,
Amsterdam, Brussels, Munich, Madrid, etc.) and also a direct fly with
New York (operated by Delta), Pisa represents the main entrance for
visiting Tuscany, with its historical, cultural and natural beauties.
Dr. Svetla Petkova-Nikova
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven tel. +32 16 32 96 18
Dept. Electrical Engineering-ESAT / COSIC fax. +32 16 32 19 69
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 Bus 2446, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM
svetla.nikova AT esat.kuleuven.be
University of Twente tel. +31 53 489 37 28
Faculty of EEMCS
P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
s.i.nikova AT utwente.nl
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