[HGI-news-int] Workshop on Cryptography for the Internet of Things, November 20 - 21 2012, Antwerp, Belgium

English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed Nov 7 13:45:50 CET 2012

ECRYPT's virtual lab VAMPIRE organizes 

CIoT - Cryptography for the Internet of Things
November 20 - 21, 2012
Antwerp, Belgium

Registration is possible till November 10, the fee is 150 EUR.
Stipends are available for students and recent postdocs from
the EU and associated states. (full members of ECRYPT II are not
eligible for these stipends.)

Today the Internet is connected to your smartphone. The "Internet of
Things" will go much further, also connecting your refrigerator, your
car, your coffee machine, your door locks, your aquarium, your
pacemaker, your lights, your luggage, and your wallet.

Now imagine that your alarm clock wakes you up three hours early. Your
coffee machine is making decaf, American style. Your smart fridge has
deep-frozen your milk. Your stereo is playing "Never Gonna Give You Up"
while your lights are strobing "Disco Inferno". Your toaster has been
running all night and burned itself out. Your shower seems to work for
thirty seconds and then blasts you with ice-cold water. Your aquarium
thermostat has frozen your pet goldfish. A sweet smell is coming from
the basement, where your smart heat lamps have set your marijuana plants
on fire (Netherlands readers only). Your robotic vacuum cleaner has
grabbed your cat and deposited it in the microwave. Your front door
doesn't open. Your car is taking a joy ride. Your television set is
flashing "Do you want to play a game?" in a spectrum of colors. Your
bank account is empty.

You aren't just having a bad day. You've been 0wned. Pranksters driving
by have sent radio signals that seem to come from your smartphone, and
devices throughout your house have followed the instructions in those
radio signals. The Internet of Things has no protection against attack.

Cryptography is designed to scramble communication, making your private
messages incomprehensible to eavesdroppers and at the same time
protecting those messages against forgery. But fitting cryptography into
the Internet of Things poses tremendous challenges. Today's cryptography
is too big; today's cryptography is too slow; today's cryptography
consumes too much power.

This workshop will explore state-of-the-art efforts to integrate
cryptography into the Internet of Things, and directions for future
research and development.


Prof. Christof Paar  
Chair for Embedded Security 
Dept. Electrical Engineering & Information Technology
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany


URL:    www.emsec.rub.de
Mobile: +49 (0)170 790 3393

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