[HGI-news-int] PostDoc DFG Research Training Group UbiCrypt

English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Fri Mar 22 11:27:54 CET 2013

Post-Doc DFG Research Training Group

UbiCrypt – Cryptography in Ubiquitous Computing


The Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security (HGI) at Ruhr-University Bochum is one of Europe’s leading research centers in IT security. The DFG, or German Research Foundation, awarded more than €4 million to the HGI for the establishment of the interdisciplinary research training group “New Challenges for Cryptography in Ubiquitous Computing”. We are looking for candidates with an outstanding Ph.D. in computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics or a related area.


The research training group will study problems which are fundamental for securing the Internet of Things. The research is structured in three levels: cryptographic primitives, device and system level. The research topics range from cryptographic foundations such as fully homomorphic encryption for privacy in cloud computing, over hardware security to internet security solutions involving new national ID cards. 


A group of internationally renowned researchers together with excellent funding provides an extremely interesting scientific environment. The HGI is known for its good working atmosphere.


-              Start: June 2013

-              Salary: TV-L 13 

-              2 Years

-              Application: Send your documents by April 30, 2013, to grako at hgi.rub.de 

-              Required documents: CV, certificates (Bachelor, Master/Diplom, Ph.D.), transcripts , motivation for applying (1 page), names of at least two people who can provide reference letters (email addresses are sufficient)

-              Only complete applications will be accepted


Beside the own research, an important task of the Post-Doc is to work with the UbiCrypt Ph.D. students, and to encourage collaboration between them. Thus, an interest in working with doctoral students and a broad interest in current research is highly desirable. 

More information: www.ubicrypt.org


The Ruhr-University Bochum supports women‘s career development. Applications from women are thus explicitly welcome. In those areas in which women are underrepresented they will be considered preferentially according to the regulations of the „Landesgleichstellungsgesetz” if their abilities, aptitude and professional performance are equal with those of the fellow applicants unless reasons concerning the person of a fellow applicant are predominant.


In case of equal qualification, applications of severely disabled persons or persons that are regarded as being on a par with severely disabled persons according to § 2 Abs. 3 SGB IX will be considered preferentially.


Britta Scherer

Coordinator UbiCrypt




Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security

Ruhr-University Bochum


 <http://www.hgi.rub.de/> www.hgi.rub.de

grako at hgi.rub.de 




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