[HGI-news-int] escar USA 2016 -- CFP

English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mon Oct 12 16:58:08 CEST 2015

Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached the call-for-papers for Embedded Security in Cars USA 2016
which will be held June 1-2, 2016 in Ypsilanti, MI (greater Ann Arbor area).

Please consider contributing and submitting a paper. The deadline for
submission is February 21, 2016.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Sorry if you received this
multiple times.

Regards, escar USA Steering Committee

Tom Forest
Kevin Harnett
Christof Paar
André Weimerskirch
Lars Wolleschensky


Prof. Christof Paar
Chair for Embedded Security 
Dept. Electrical Engineering & Information Technology 
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany 


URL: www.emsec.rub.de 
mobile USA: (00) 1 413 210 4737 

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