[HGI-news-int] CHES 2016: call for challenges proposals

English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Thu Jan 28 14:29:34 CET 2016

     Conference on Cryptographic & Hardware and Embedded Systems
                          CHES 2016

           Santa Barbara, USA -- August 17-19, 2016


CHES covers new results on all aspects of the design and analysis of
cryptographic hardware and software implementations. The workshop
builds a bridge between the cryptographic research community and the
cryptographic engineering community. With participants from industry,
academia, and government organizations, the number of participants has
grown above 400 in recent years.

We are looking for a team of researchers/experts interested in
organizing a public challenge around the main topics of the CHES
community (hardware security, embedded cryptography, fault attacks,
side-channel analysis, hardware trojan, PUF, white box cryptography,
etc.). The results of the challenge, organized like a series of
Capture the Flag (CtF) exercises, could be announced during the event
at Santa-Barbara, USA, in August. Ideally, the challenge should start
around May or June 2016. The team responsible for the previous version
of the challenge could provide the new organization team with some
materials (as e.g. the CHES 2015 challenge website) and some advises
(based on the 2015 session). More information about the 2015 session
may be found at the following address: https://ches15challenge.com/.

Teams interested in organizing the 2016 session of the CHES Challenge
are invited to send their proposal by the 1st of March. This proposal
must contain a short description of the challenges and a scheduling

Important Dates

  - Submission deadline: March 1, 2016, 23:59 PST

  - Acceptance notification: March  15, 2016

Proposals Reviewing Committee

All correspondences and/or questions should be directed to either of
the Committee members:

Ryad Benadjila  (CtF  co-Chair)
Email: ryadbenadjila at gmail.com

Emmanuel Prouff (CtF  co-Chair)
Email: e.prouff at gmail.com

Adrian Thillard (CtF  co-Chair)
Email: thillard.adrian at gmail.com


Prof. Christof Paar
Chair for Embedded Security 
Dept. Electrical Engineering & Information Technology 
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany 


URL: www.emsec.rub.de 
mobile USA: (00) 1 413 210 4737 

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