[HGI-news-int] [CADICS 2016] Workshop on Computer-Aided Design and Implementation for Cryptography and Security - Call for Participation

English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Tue Oct 18 10:14:08 CEST 2016


	Workshop on Computer-Aided Design and Implementation for
		Cryptography and Security (CADICS)

			November 10, 2016
		Co-located with ICCAD, Austin, TX

Traditional software-engineering techniques - that are being very
successfully applied to safety or correctness problems in many contexts
of software, hardware and hybrid systems - are ill-suited to detecting
security problems, verifying their absence, or performing security
evaluation and certification. This lack of automation implies
significant costs for the design, development and evaluation of secure
systems, either in terms of costly security patches after release, or
important delays for evaluation before release.

Following a long tradition–with some well-established communities of
formal methods being used to formally reason about security properties
of abstract systems, recent years have seen a surge of research on the
development and application of formal methods to practical security

The workshop aims at providing a platform for the discussion of
computer-aided security, from secure hardware design to secure software
implementation and to secure system integration. The workshop aims at
federating recent efforts in developing computer-aided techniques in
these individual communities and at promoting dialogue and collaboration
across their boundaries, supporting the development of computer-aided
design techniques and tools for the construction, implementation and
deployment of secure systems. Affiliation
with ICCAD will particularly foster exchanges with the broader
electronic design community, providing a platform for the exchange of
ideas at theintersection of formal methods, software security and
hardware design.

In particular, the primary topics of CADICS include:

- Cryptographic Engineering
- Secure Hardware Design
- Secure Software Engineering
- Software/Hardware Co-Design for Security
- Systems Security


Workshop Website and Technical Program:


Registration is open. Please use the ICCAD registration system
to register for its Thursday workshop CADICS:


Keynote Speakers:
- Patrick Schaumont (Virginia Tech)
- Steve Trimberger (Xilinx Inc.)
- Mohit Tiwari (University of Texas at Austin)
- Kris Gaj (George Mason University)

- Begül Bilgin (KU Leuven)
- Rolf Drechsler (University of Bremen/DFKI)
- Stjepan Picek (MIT)
- Daniel Große (University of Bremen/DFKI)
- Michael Hutter (CRI/Rambus)
- Francesco Reggazzoni (ALaRI/Università della Svizzera italiana):
- Kenneth Schmitz (University of Bremen/DFKI)
- Michael Tunstall (CRI/Rambus)

- Francois Dupressoir (University of Surrey),
- Tim Güneysu (University of Bremen and DFKI), and
- Apostol Vassilev (NIST).
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