[HGI-news-int] Junior Research Group Leader positions at MPI for Security and Privacy

English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Tue May 19 20:33:24 CEST 2020

The Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy in Bochum, Germany is
inviting applications for Junior Research Group Leader positions

Our Junior Research Group program offers young scientists the opportunity
to develop their own independent research program. We welcome applicants
from all areas of security and privacy, including foundations,
cryptography, software and hardware security, as well as human and other
interdisciplinary aspects (e.g., computer science and psychology, economy,
law, policy, ethics, etc). The position is funded for 5 years. Applicants
must have completed a doctoral degree in computer science or related areas
and must have demonstrated outstanding research vision, and potential to
successfully lead a research group. Successful candidates are expected to
build a highly visible research agenda, to mentor Ph.D. students, and to
participate in collaborative projects.

The Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (https://www.mpi-sp.org)
is located in Bochum, Germany. We maintain an open, international, and
diverse work environment and seek applications from outstanding researchers
regardless of national origin. Our working language is English. We
collaborate with several major research institutions worldwide and have
high international visibility. We offer competitive salaries and support
for Ph.D. students, as well as generous travel, administrative, and
technical support.

Please apply at https://apply.cis.mpg.de/register/mpispjrgl
You need to send your CV, a research plan, an optional teaching statement,
and 3-5 references. Reviewing of applications will start immediately and
will continue until the positions are filled. The expected starting date
for the position is Fall 2020, open to negotiations. Informal inquiries can
be addressed to applications-jrgl at mpi-sp.org
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