[HGI-news-int] CASA Distinguished Lecture with Wouter Lueks - November 23, 2021
English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum
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Thu Nov 18 15:16:12 CET 2021
CASA Distinguished Lecture with Wouter Lueks
Date: Tuesday - November 23, 2021 - 12:00 PM (UTC+1)
Wouter Lueks, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Topic: "Privacy-Friendly Presence and Proximity Tracing"
Login Zoom-Webinar (Code: 022671)
Abstract. Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a push to deploy technology as a means of pandemic mitigation. In this talk, Wouter Lueks focuses on two such systems. Both aim to notify users that have been exposed to somebody with COVID-19 and that should therefore take precautions such as quarantining or getting a test. The first system, designed by DP3T, notifies users that were close enough for long enough to a positive person. The second, CrowdNotifier, instead notifies users that where in an indoor space (e.g. bar, restaurant, lecture room) with a positive person.
Deploying such systems comes with security and privacy risks. Especially, when rolling them out to large fractions of the population, or when making them de facto mandatory, e.g. to go to a restaurant. In this talk, Wouter Lueks will discuss these risks, and explain how he and his team designed, implemented and deployed both systems to mitigate these risks.
Biography. Wouter Lueks is a postdoctoral researcher at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He designs, builds and deploys privacy-friendly systems. To do so, he combines applied cryptography, privacy and requirements modeling, and clever systems engineering. He has worked on several systems such as IRMA for anonymous authentication and a secure document search system for investigative journalists called "DatashareNetwork". Recently, he works on designing, analyzing, and implementing digital proximity and presence tracing systems.
This is a public event. You are all invited to participate. A registration is not necessary. Please feel free to forward the invitation.
All information about the Distinguished Lectures, our speakers and the Zoom Webinar links can be found here:
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