-HGI News- Open Position: Professorship for System Security / Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute for IT Security hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Thu Dec 22 12:31:01 CET 2022

Bochum, December 22, 2022

Open Position: Professorship for System Security / Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
The position is open rank: Tenured Full Professorship or Associate / Assistant Professorship with Tenure Track

The Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security (HGI)<https://hgi.rub.de/en> in Bochum, Germany, is one of the most renowned institutes in the field of IT Security in Europe. The HGI comprises 26 faculty members, maintains extensive networks and has produced numerous successful start-ups. HGI is home to the Cluster of Excellence "CASA: Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries"<https://casa.rub.de/en>, funded with approximately 30 million euros. This outstanding environment offers excellent working conditions in a highly topical and exciting field. In addition, there is a very good working atmosphere in a young and diverse group of researchers.

The Faculty of Computer Science at Ruhr-Universität<https://informatik.rub.de/en/> Bochum invites applications for a Professorship for System Security (Open Rank: Tenured Full Professorship or Associate / Assistant Professorship with Tenure Track). Applicants should have an excellent track record in research and teaching in at least one of the following areas:

*              System Security: Operating systems security, web security, distributed systems security, cloud computing security
*              Program analysis and analysis of security protocols
*              Machine learning security and privacy
*              Data-driven security and measurement studies
*              Privacy and anonymity
*              Applications of cryptography to real-world systems
*              Wireless security
*              Network security (intrusion and anomaly detection, network infrastructure security, DoS and countermeasures)
*              Strategic and economic aspects of real-world system security.

We are looking for a scientist with an internationally visible research profile who will complement existing research focus areas and actively participate in the development of the newly founded Faculty for Computer Science. We expect a willingness to cooperate with the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security and a leading role in current and planned projects, especially in the Cluster of Excellence "CASA: Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries". The Max Planck Institute for Cybersecurity and Privacy<https://www.mpi-sp.org/> offers additional possibilities for collaboration. There is also ample opportunity to interact with the well-developed start-up community in the area of security and computer science, including the Cube 5<https://cube-five.de/en/> IT Security incubator. The working language is English. Fluent German is not a prerequisite for a successful engagement at HGI.

Please find the full job add here: https://jobs.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/jobposting/d72ebc2300c76e1743423dba94fca1a6a85e322f0?ref=homepage

Applications with the usual documents should be sent by 14.02.2023 to the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Alexander May, e-mail: career at casa.rub.de<mailto:career at casa.rub.de>.

Further information can be found on our homepages at

Feel free to forward this information to any qualified and potentially interested researcher you may know.

Kind regards

Christina Scholten

Horst Görtz Institut for IT Security/ Cluster of Excellence CASA
Marketing and Public Relations
MC EG 78, Postfach MC 3
Universitätsstr. 150
44780 Bochum, Germany
Tel: +49-(0)234-32-29274
E-Mail: christina.scholten at rub.de<mailto:christina.scholten at rub.de>


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