[HGI-news-int] CASA Distinguished Lecture with Charles Weir

English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Fri Jul 8 14:58:00 CEST 2022


On Monday we welcome Charles Weir in Bochum! The Distinguished Lecture starts at 14 pm! Building TZR ("MB"), Level 1, Room SM-MW-106.

There is still the possibility to participate digitally in the event.

Login Zoom-Webinar: https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/62855788073?pwd=dDhRc1RrM3gvMWJDemVWdWVXeVNNQT09 (Code: 946428)

We are happy if you join us :)

CASA Distinguished Lecture with Charles Weir, Monday July 11, 2022

We cordially invite you to the next CASA Distinguished Lecture in presence on Monday, July 11, 2022.

Topic: "Engaging Software Developers: Approaches to Research with Professional Teams"
When: July 11, 2022, 14 pm (UTC +1)
Where: Building TZR ("MB"), Level 1, Room SM-MW-106, Universitätsstraße 142, 44799 Bochum

There is still the possibility to participate digitally in the event.

Login Zoom-Webinar: https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/62855788073?pwd=dDhRc1RrM3gvMWJDemVWdWVXeVNNQT09 (Code: 946428)

Abstract: GDPR, Facebook, Syniverse, Experian, T-Mobile, Heartbleed, WannaCry, E-Payment Fraud: public and business appreciation of the dangers of cyber security and privacy issues have increased massively recently. Meanwhile cloud container-based delivery and agile development have made external checks insufficient to ensure security; developers and product management must now be involved, requiring skills and knowledge not traditionally taught to cybersecurity experts. This creates opportunities for research organisations to contribute largely to solutions; and a demand from industry for anything that can help. But how can we as researchers ride this wave of demand? His talk will provide a basis to consider this question. He will introduce current work at Lancaster University: the building and testing of intervention packages to help development teams improve security. Charles Weir will explore techniques to engage such teams, describe surprising outcomes from workshops, and discuss research techniques to evaluate and improve such techniques.

Biography: Charles Weir is passionate about improving the skills of teams of professional software developers. As a researcher at Lancaster University, he now studies the cutting-edge topic of developer-centred security, currently focussing on the development of innovative health-related systems. Previously he set up the mobile application development company, Penrillian, and ran it successfully for 15 years, employing up to thirty people and with a total turnover well over 30 million pounds. Charles also helped introduce object-oriented and agile methods to Europe, and was technical lead for the world's first smartphone.

Further information: https://casa.rub.de/en/news/distinguished-lectures/infos/charles-weir-lancaster-university
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