-HGI News- CASA Distinguished Lecture with Antoon Purnal (PQShield) on October 24, 2023

English Newsletter of the Horst Goertz Institute for IT Security hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Thu Oct 19 12:35:08 CEST 2023

Hi, we cordially invite you to the

CASA Distinguished Lecture with Antoon Purnal (PQShield) on October 24, 2023

Topic: Cache Side-Channel Attacks on Existing and Emerging Computing Platforms

When: 24.10.2023, 2 PM
Where: Building TZR ("MB"), Level 1, Room S-MO-104, Universitätsstraße 142, 44799 Bochum
Online-Participation: Zoom-Webinar<https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/64776109776?pwd=TVZPSDM1VG9uVWM0dkJIWmpKQnlJQT09#success>

Abstract: Microarchitectural side-channel attacks leverage interference in shared hardware components to extract potentially sensitive data. Arguably the most important class of microarchitectural side-channel attacks are cache attacks, which target the shared cache hierarchy.
This talk covers our recent advances in cache security research. We explore why cache attacks have higher precision than you think, why heterogeneous computing may inadvertently introduce Cache-Attacks-as-a-Service (CAaaS), why existing countermeasures leave a lot to be desired, and why perfect security would require the UNIX epoch to be deprecated.
With a live demo, we will show how humans can rely only on their senses to perform cache attacks. Come and see it with your own eyes.

Biography: Antoon (Toon) Purnal is a Cryptography Security Analyst at PQShield. Before joining PQShield, he obtained a PhD in Electrical Engineering from COSIC, KU Leuven. His PhD research on microarchitectural attacks and defences was awarded a personal grant from the Research Foundation Flanders - FWO. Toon regularly publishes at flagship security conferences, such as IEEE S&P, USENIX Security, and ACM CCS. His research interests include microarchitectural attacks and defences, as well as efficient and secure cryptographic implementations in the post-quantum era.

Kind regards

Christina Scholten

Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security/ Cluster of Excellence CASA
Marketing and Public Relations
MC EG 78, Postfach MC 3
Universitätsstr. 150
44780 Bochum, Germany
Tel: +49-(0)234-32-29274
E-Mail: christina.scholten at rub.de<mailto:christina.scholten at rub.de>


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