[AI-announce] Invitation to inaugural lecture: Databases and Information Systems

CCS-Marketing ccs-marketing at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mi Jan 6 16:02:23 CET 2021

Dear students,


we are delighted to invite you to Assistant Professor Maribel Acosta Deibe’s
inaugural lecture “From Data to Knowledge: Extending Database Techniques for
Knowledge Graphs”!

Become familiar with Prof. Acosta Deibe’s research interests and explore the
challenges of query optimization and extending database techniques for
knowledge graphs. Find out more about the operating principles of many
modern applications such as recommender and question answering systems that
go beyond traditional data representations in the abstract in the

When? 20th of January 2021, 04:00 PM

Where? Via Zoom
jVlQT09>  (Meeting-ID: 949 6884 3467, Password 540950)

Anyone interested is warmly welcome – no registration is needed. 

We are looking forward to your participation!


With best wishes


Charlotte Schab, M.Sc.



Marketing und PR |Marketing and PR


Phone:                 +49-(0)234 / 32-19251

Pers. Email:         <mailto:charlotte.schab at rub.de> charlotte.schab at rub.de 

Internet:              <http://www.informatik.rub.de> www.informatik.rub.de


Wasserstraße 221, D-44799 Bochum

4th floor, room 4.13



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