[AI-announce] Summer School in Computer Science

Nuß, Anja anja.nuss at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mo Feb 13 17:38:57 CET 2023

Liebe Studierende,

hier ist eine wirklich ganz exzellente Summer School, die sich an Bachelor- und Master-Studierende richtet. Es gibt tolle Sprecher und es werden sehr gute Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungen und Forschung in der Informatik gewährt. Wenn es jemanden thematisch interessiert, kann ich eine Bewerbung nur sehr empfehlen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Christof Paar

============== Call for participation ==============

The Cornell, Maryland, Max Planck Pre-doctoral Research School 2023

"Emerging Research Trends in Computer Science"

August 6–13, 2023
Saarbruecken, Germany

Applications are requested from undergraduate students or Master's
students in computer science, computer engineering, or a related
discipline to The Cornell, Maryland, Max Planck Pre-doctoral Research
School. The 7th of this annual series of week-long schools will focus
on emerging research trends in computer science.

The small, select group of attendees will be exposed to
state-of-the-art research in computer science, have the opportunity
to interact one-on-one with internationally leading scientists from
three of the foremost academic institutions in research and higher
learning in the US and in Europe, and network with like-minded
students. They will get a sense of what it is like to pursue an
academic or an industrial research career in computer science and
have a head start when applying for graduate school.

For full consideration, applications should be received by February
28th, 2023. Travel and accommodation will be covered for accepted
students. Further information about the school and how to apply can
be found at https://cmmrs.mpi-sws.org<https://cmmrs.mpi-sws.org/>



Christof Paar

Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP)

Universitätsstraße 140

44799 Bochum, Germany

phone: +49 (0)170 790 3393


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