[AI-announce] Frauenvollversammlung (Faculty Equality Assembly) am 29.11.2023 um 12 Uhr

Dekanat der Informatik-Fakultät informatik-dekanat at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Do Nov 23 16:13:05 CET 2023

Dear ladies,
(Note: According to the law in Nordrhine-Westphalia, the equal-opportunities officer should be woman and the proposals should be generated by a woman assembly)

we still have open "To Dos" from the last equality assembly that took place at October 18, 2023: The representatives from the status groups "Administrative Staff"(MTV) und "Research staff (WMAs)" could not be elected since we haven't had candidates. The ones of you who attended the assembly can remember that we wanted to organize a second one before the next meeting of the faculty council (6. December), where the candidates can be officially elected.

Therefore you are invited for the next (pretty short) equal opportunities assembly taking place on Wednesday, 29. November 2023 at 12:00 am in room MC 1.30/1.31 . The main item of the agenda would be the election in order to constitute the team.

@Status groups: You can propose somebody (or yourself) in the assembly, but it would be better if you send me the proposal via email before the assembly.
It would be nice to see many of you next Wednesday.

Best regards,
Biljana Cubaleska

Von: Biljana Cubaleska <biljana.cubaleska at rub.de>
Gesendet: Freitag, 13. Oktober 2023 17:24
An: Dekanat der Informatik-Fakultät <informatik-dekanat at ruhr-uni-bochum.de>; informatik-profs at rub.de; Informatik-mtv-mitarbeitende at rub.de; informatik-team-dekanat at rub.de; informatik-scientific-staff at rub.de; Its-announce at lists.rub.de; ai-announce at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de; Bsc-informatik at lists.rub.de
Betreff: Frauenvollversammlung [SAVE THE DATE: Vollversammlung zur Gleichstellung / Faculty Equality Assembly ]

Dear all,

the date for the equality assembly has been already announced, but now we have the room number:

The assembly will take place on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 12:00 o'clock in the seminar rooms MC 1.30 and MC 1.31 (double room).

I would also like to announce an important change: According to the law in Nordrhine-Westphalia, the equal-opportunities officer should be woman and the proposals should be generated by a woman assembly. To be formally correct, we are changing the "Vollversammlung zur Gleichstellung" in "Frauenvollversammlung" (woman assembly).

So, only woman from all status groups (professors, WMAs, MTVs and students) are invited and expected to come. Please apologize the incorrectness in the first email.

Please think about who can you propose for a equal opportunities officer by your status group.

Best regards,
B. Cubaleska

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