[AI-announce] Quantum Information and Computation (WS 24/25)

Michael Walter michael.walter at rub.de
Mo Okt 7 08:59:13 CEST 2024

Dear students,

This semester we are again offering our introductory theory course in
quantum computing.

Title: Quantum Information and Computation (2+2 SWS)
Lecture: Thursday 16-18 in MC 1.30+31 *starting this week*
Homepage: https://qi.rub.de/courses/qic - including teaser, requirements,
Moodle: https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/course/view.php?id=59881 - please
sign up if you plan to attend and to have a peek at the teaching material

Description: This course will give an introduction to quantum information
and quantum computation from the perspective of theoretical computer
science. We will discuss the theoretical model of quantum bits and
circuits, how to generalize computer science concepts to the quantum
setting, how to design and analyze quantum algorithms and protocols for a
variety of computational problems, and how to prove complexity theoretic
lower bounds. *No background in physics is required!*

We suggest taking this course in the 3rd year BSc or the 1st year MSc
(especially if you are potentially interested in a thesis project in our

Best wishes,
Michael Walter
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