[AI-announce] Lecture Program, Operating Systems and System Software (Winter Term 2024/2025)

Timo Hönig timo.hoenig at rub.de
Mo Okt 7 13:29:39 CEST 2024

Dear Students,

Welcome to the Winter Term 2024/2025 at the CS faculty at RUB! With the start of the lecture period, I would like to introduce you to the courses offered by the Operating Systems and System Software Group [1].

Lecture: Energy-Aware Computing Systems (EASY)

The lecture focuses on energy-aware computing systems, exploring topics such as power management, energy-demand analysis, and operating system architecture to optimize computer performance while minimizing energy consumption. Through research papers and hands-on exercises, you learn to apply theoretical concepts to real-world systems, evaluating the impact of energy-efficient strategies on overall system efficiency.

Web:    https://informatik.rub.de/boss/teaching/courses/easy/
Mail    cs-os-easy-orga at lists.rub.de
Moodle: https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/course/view.php?id=60065

Seminar: Resource-efficient System Software (RESY) - Aspects of Sustainable Computer Systems (SCS)

The seminar explores the intersection of computer systems and sustainability, focusing on the challenges for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other negative environmental impacts from computing infrastructure. The course examines the origins of CO2 emissions, discusses methods for measuring and modeling emissions in computer systems, and explores ways to adapt systems and software to become more sustainable.

Web:    https://cs.rub.de/en/ressourceneffiziente-systemsoftware-resy/
Mail:   cs-os-resy-orga at lists.rub.de
Moodle: https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/course/view.php?id=59598

Note: This semester we are organizing the seminar together with the Dependable Systems Software Group (DSS) at Saarland University.

Are you interested in teaching, research, or a project in systems software? Get in touch!

Kind regards,

     for the Bochum Operating Systems and System Software Group (BOSS)

[1] https://boss.rub.de/

Timo Hönig, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Operating Systems and System Software
Ruhr University Bochum

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