[Biomedical-cybernetics] 2nd Winter School in Complexity Sciences - Lisbon, January 11-15, 2010

by way of Johannes W. Dietrich css at cssociety.org
Mon Jan 4 15:42:00 CET 2010

2nd Winter School in Complexity Sciences 
"Formal approaches for the representation and 
analysis of social network structures"

Lisbon University Institute,  January 11-15, 2010

The 2nd Winter School in Complexity Sciences will 
take place at the Lisbon University Institute, on 
January 11-15, 2010. The programme of this 
edition is organized around the subject "Formal 
approaches for the representation and analysis of 
social network structures".

The Winter School is organised in the context of 
the International Doctoral and Master Programs in 
Complexity Sciences proposed by the Lisbon 
University Institute and the Faculty of Sciences 
of the University of Lisbon. The Winter School is 
also supported by the ASSYST Coordination Action 
and the Complex Systems Society. The Winter 
School will propose a state-of-the-art of the new 
theories, methodologies and algorithmic proposals 
to the study of topological features of complex 

Target audience
The sessions are intended for faculty, graduate 
students, master and PhD students, researchers 
and others who would like to gain an 
understanding of the new formal approaches to the 
representation and interpretation of network 

The Winter School will include both theoretical 
presentations and practical sessions in computer 
room, allowing presenting and experimenting the 
most well known and performative software tools 
for the representation and analysis of networks. 
The school will provide 10 theoretical sessions 
of 1:30 each and 5 practical sessions of 2 hours 
each - a total of 25 hours during 1 week. 
Sessions will start at 3pm and will end at 
8:30pm. This time schedule will allow 
participants to use the morning and early 
afternoon free moments to interact with local 
researchers at the university.


David Rodrigues (Lisbon University Institute, PT) 
- software for the representation and analysis of 
networks - see the list of software below 
(practical sessions)
Gergely Palla (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HU) 
- 2 theoretical sessions: (1) Statistical 
properties of tagged networks; (2) Multifractal 
network generator
James P.G. Sterbenz (The University of Kansas, US 
and Lancaster University, UK) - computer network 
modelling state-of-the-art and new research 
approaches (2 theoretical sessions)
Jeffrey Johnson (Open University, UK) - 
hypernetworks: state of the art, challenges and 
applications (2 theoretical sessions)
John Symons (University of Texas at El Paso, USA) 
- 2 theoretical sessions: (1) Self-organization, 
emergence and the networks model of inquiry; (2) 
Causality and Pattern Discovery
Jorge Louçã (Lisbon University Institute, PT) - 3 
practical sessions and 1 theoretical session: (1) 
Practical sessions: software for the 
representation and analysis of networks; (2) 
Theoretical session: about scale and structure 
issues in networks
Rui Lopes (Lisbon University Institute, PT) - 
computer network modelling approaches: theory and 
tools (practical sessions and 
1 theoretical session)
Rui Marinheiro (Lisbon University Institute, PT) 
- computer network modelling approaches: theory 
and tools (practical sessions and 
1 theoretical session)
Santo Fortunato (Institute for Scientific 
Interchange, IT) - 2 theoretical sessions: (1) 
Community detection in graphs I; (2) Community 
detection in graphs II

The following software will be provided in a CD 
and will be used in the practical sessions:

CFinder - software for the exploration of 
clusters and communities via de Clique 
Percolation Method
NetworkX - programatic approach to graphs and networks
Network Workbench - general interface for several 
algorithms to network analysis
Pajek - network analysis platform
Visone - platform for the analysis and visualization of social networks

Registration deadline is January 8, 2010. You are 
advised to register as soon as possible - the 
number of places available is limited. To 
register please send an email to 
"idpcc.dcti at iscte.pt" asking to attain the winter 
school, with your name, address, nationality, 
institution and telephone. The registration fee 
is 150 euros. Participants will be asked to pay 
the fee at the registration desk, just before the 
beginning of the Winter School, on January 11, 


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