[Biomedical-cybernetics] Post-doctoral position available

Frederic Bois frederic.bois at utc.fr
Sun May 12 11:57:11 CEST 2013

Post-Doctoral Position

A post-doctoral research position is available in the group of
Professor Frederic Y. Bois (http://sites.google.com/site/ 
UMR CNRS 7338, Biological Engineering departement, at the Universite de
Technologie de Compiegne.

Our group focuses on predictive toxicology for therapeutic drugs or
general chemicals. Experimentalists in the lab develop miniaturized in  
exposure systems (bioartificial organs on microfluidic biochips) and  
omics data to characterize the state of those systems.
A major challenge in drug development nowadays is to  extrapolate  
those in
vitro findings to predict human response in vivo. Our funding comes  
from large scale projects of the European Commission, performed in
collaboration with major academic centers and pharmaceutical industries.

The research involves 1) the development of methods for hybrid Boolean,
differential and stochastic modeling; 2) the implementation of such a  
for inter-cellular junctions synthesis, membrane addressing and control;
3) the calibration of the model in a Bayesian framework; 4) the design,
in collaboration with expemental scientists, of relevant lab  
experiments for
model checking and refinement.

Candidates with a Ph.D. in bioinformatics, biomathematics or  
biostatistics and
working knowledge of bioinformatics, biostatistics, systems biology  
and C/C++
programming are sought.

The position is available starting now, for a period of one year. A  
six to
twelve month extension is possible with satisfactory progress and  
of funds. Please send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae and  
letters of recommendation to:

Dr. Frederic Y. Bois

UTC - Technological University of Compiegne
Chair of Mathematical Modelling for Systems Toxicology
Bioengineering Department
Royallieu Research Center
Rue Roger Couttolenc
CS 60319
60203 Compiegne Cedex, France

email: frederic.bois at utc.fr
tel: +33 (0)3 4423 4385

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