[Biomedical-cybernetics] Advanced Lecture Course on Computational Systems Biology, Aussois, France, April 6-11, 2015
info at sysbioldb.org
info at sysbioldb.org
Thu Jan 22 13:03:02 CET 2015
We are excited to announce the Advanced Lecture Course on
Computational Systems Biology, that will be held in the Aussois ski
resort (France) between April 6-11, 2015 (http://compsysbio.inria.fr).
The main Course emphasis is methodological. One goal is to illustrate
the wealth and diversity of Systems Biology issues for scientists from
Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics. Another goal is to allow
biologists motivated by Systems Biology to go deeper into
methodological issues in order to facilitate their contacts with
scientists from the formal sciences.
Sessions are preferentially organized around methodological issues:
multi-scale models, spatial dynamics, dynamical systems, inverse
problems, control theory, stochastic modeling, with a constant eye on
biological relevance (http://compsysbio.inria.fr/program).
The Course will be an opportunity for participants to interact
directly with 15 prominent scientists in this rapidly growing field.
In order to facilitate casual interactions, there will be time for
skiing in the afternoon.
Participants are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract of their
current work to be presented as a poster in order to facilitate
scientific interactions. Nine abstracts will be selected for short
talks by the Scientific Committee. A few fellowships will be made
available for pre-doctoral students.
Key dates
Pre-registration until January 30
(deadline for student fellowship application)
Full registration until February 20
Daniel Khan (chair)
compsysbio at inria.fr
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