[Biomedical-cybernetics] Registration open: BioSB Course Quantitative and Predictive Modelling, 22-26 June 2015, Wageningen
Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl
Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl
Wed May 6 13:38:03 CEST 2015
BioSB Course Quantitative and Predictive Modelling
Date: 22-26 June, 2015
Location: Wageningen
Course Coordinators: Jaap Molenaar (WUR), Natal van Riel (TUE)
Website: http://biosb.nl/education/course-portfolio-2/course-quantitative-and-predictive-modelling/
Registration: http://biosb.nl/education/course-portfolio-2/course-quantitative-and-predictive-modelling/enrollment-quantitative-and-predictive-modelling-course/
. Please note that this course is free of charge for PhDs who are or
become a member of the BioSB research school.
On June 22-26 2015, BioSB organises the first edition of the
course Quantitative and Predictive Modelling. The main theme of the
Quantitative and Predictive Modelling course is how to describe the
dynamic behaviour of biological systems and integrate experimental
data. Concepts of modelling are introduced via a great variety of
examples taken from diverse practices. The emphasis is on providing an
overview of modelling approaches rather than an in-depth treatment of
a few techniques. After classification of biological systems
(metabolic, regulatory, signalling, population, multi-scale,
statistical models), the concepts of top-down versus bottom-up
modelling will be introduced, with emphasis on bottom-up approaches.
Parameter estimation is an important modelling tool and will receive
adequate attention. In the course Matlab will be used as software tool
for the practicals. Participants not familiar with Matlab will get a
short introduction.
This course is primarily targeted at academic researchers such as PhD
students and Postdocs in Life Sciences, Bioinformatics, Systems
Biology or Biomedical Engineering. Participants from private sector
are also welcome. Participants are expected to have some experience in
modelling with differential equations or to have followed Introductory
courses from the BiosB Course Portfolio<http://biosb.nl/education/course-portfolio-2/
>, e.g. E-course modelling , E-course calculus, Discovering Systems
Biology Principles or Applications for Systems Biology and
Bioinformatics in the Medical Sciences. The course will start with a
session to refresh the basic elements of modelling with differential
This course is part of the Education Programme of BioSB, the
Netherlands Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Research School, which
offers training and education for in bioinformatics and systems
More information about BioSB can be found at www.biosb.nl<http://www.biosb.nl
Best regards
Celia van Gelder
Dr. Celia W.G. van Gelder
Education Manager NBIC/BioSB
Coordinator Education CMBI
Programme Manager Learning DTL/ELIXIR-NL
tel. +31-(0)24-3666120
e-mail: Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl<mailto:C.vanGelder at umcn.nl>
websites: www.nbic.nl<http://www.nbic.nl/>, www.biosb.nl, www.cmbi.ru.nl
<http://www.cmbi.ru.nl/>, www.dtls.nl
Postal address:
CMBI 260
Radboud University Nijmegen-Medical Centre
PO Box 9101
6500 HB Nijmegen The Netherlands
Het Radboudumc staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het
handelsregister onder nummer 41055629.
The Radboud university medical center is listed in the Commercial
Register of the Chamber of Commerce under file number 41055629.
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