[Biomedical-cybernetics] Nonlinear science bolts forward: New NDPLS Impact Factor

Guastello, Stephen stephen.guastello at MARQUETTE.EDU
Fri Jul 27 00:06:52 CEST 2018

Dear Nonlinear Colleagues,

The Editorial Board of Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences is pleased to announce that our new two-year impact factor is 2.045, as reported in Journal Citation Reports(Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics). NDPLS now ranks 6th out of 13 journals (2nd quartile) in the category of Mathematical Psychology. NDPLS is of course unique in its broad coverage of dynamics and complexity in both theory and practice.

Not only is this bit a news a significant step forward for nonlinear science, it is an excellent time for individual scientists and practitioners to activate a membership in the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences. One of the benefits of membership is a subscription to NDPLS. It you join right now and select the 2-year option, you will immediately receive the outstanding 2018 issues and receive a discount on the 2019 volume year. All you need to do is this.

Authors of nonlinear material, who are of course pivotal to this success, need to do a little more: Finish what you’re working on and send it to us directly. We are in the process of updating our Instructions for Authors to compensate for software changes (sometimes they really are “upgrades”), but the standing instructions still cover the essentials. All published articles have been peer-reviewed by experts in the field. The purview of NDPLS spans the whole range between microbiology to macroeconomics.

Nonlinear life has been good so far. Let’s do some more!

Best wishes to all,

Stephen J. Guastello, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology, Marquette University
P. O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 USA
Editor-in-Chief, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences

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