[Geoqus] GEOQUS Homepage

Holger Steffen hsteffen at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Apr 11 16:32:44 CEST 2006

Dear Members,

at the Geoqus Splinter Meeting 2006 at the EGU in Vienna a revision of the 
GEOQUS homepage was discussed. An up-to-date version will be available 
soon. In addition, I would like to make the following suggestion:

Inclusion of a publication list with articles (maybe also extended 
abstracts?) related to ABAQUS, each article will be marked with a small 
number of special ABAQUS keywords, for instance:

Steffen, H. & Kaufmann, G. (2006). Numerical modelling of deformation 
changes induced by lake-level fluctuations of the Hohenwarte reservoir, 
Thuringia, Germany. J. Geodyn. 41(4), pp. 411-421. (*VISCO, *DLOAD, 

I don't want to list *NODE, *ELSET, *STEP and so on...

The intension is to get an overview of ABAQUS-related publications and 
also the work of GEOQUS members on just one page.

Please think about it and let me or the community know if it's ok. If you 
have additional suggestions feel free to write. I hope that we come to a 
decision very quickly.

Best regards,

Holger Steffen

Unterstützung für ein Kulturgut!/Help for a cultural monument!


|                                                                  |
|			Holger Steffen				   |
| Institut für		     / Institute of			   |
| Geologische Wissenschaften / geological sciences		   |
| AG Dynamik der Erde	     / Dynamics of the Earth working group |
| Zimmer D 204		     / Office D 204			   |
|		 	Freie Universität Berlin		   |
| 			Malteserstr. 74 - 100			   |
|			12249 Berlin				   |
| Deutschland		     / Germany				   |
|								   |
| Tel./Phone:	+49 (0)30 / 838 70 682				   |
| Fax: 		+49 (0)30 / 838	70 729				   |
| Email: 	hsteffen at zedat.fu-berlin.de			   |
| Web:          http://www.geo.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~hsteffen  |

Einmal täglich herzhaft lachen!/
A smile everyday blows your sorrows away!

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