[Geoqus] Part problem

Pierre Burgers pierre.burgers at abaqus.com
Fri Aug 4 17:30:34 CEST 2006

It's not possible to give a definitive answer to this without more details
on exactly how this will be done and the type of geometry that will be
created. If the geometry consists of flat faces with straight edges then the
following approach may work:

- Create a 3D 'Point' part
- Create datum points for each corner 
- Create Wires using these points
- Create faces using the Wires and the 'Create Face' repair function
This approach could be scripted.


-----Original Message-----
From: geoqus-bounces+pierre.burgers=abaqus.com at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
[mailto:geoqus-bounces+pierre.burgers=abaqus.com at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de] On Behalf Of Tobias Lau
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 5:14 AM
To: geoqus at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Subject: [Geoqus] Part problem


I have a question concerning the creation of parts. Does anyone know if there's
a possibility to create a part by giving Abaqus the three spatial coordinates
of every corner of the part? Since I use parts with a complicated geometry and
it costs a lot of time to sketch only the X-Y shape and then carving the z
dimension out of these blocks in the CAE it would be much more comfortable.
Also I can't imagine that these possibility isn't include in Abaqus. Maybe with
a python script, but I didn't find anything in the scripting reference. I
already found out about geometry files but sadly I don't have access to any of
the programs producing them and it doesn't seem effective to manipulate these
files myself.
Thank for any help and have a nice weekend!

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