[Geoqus] poroelastic rheology

Tobias Lau Tobias.Lau at uni-jena.de
Thu Nov 9 14:16:31 CET 2006


I try to model a fluid injection in a borehole for my diploma theses and now I
got quite stuck. If any of you have some experience with poroelastic modeling I
would be delighted about any advices.
Right now I have two problems. One the one hand I'm not sure how to apply the
fluid injection. I thought the most promising way would be the use of a
"concentrated pore fluid flow" at a certain node. But seemingly this only
causes the fluid to flow away of this node instead of creating a fluid source
and therefore building a depression on the surface where I expected to get a
bulge. Although I searched through the keyword list I couldn't find a way to
add a real fluid volume per time increment. Maybe someone already knows one?
The other problem occurs while calculating the geostatic equilibrium in a
poroelastic model (gravity + effective stress, pore pressure, void ratio and
saturation for initial conditions). I used quadratic tetraeder for the
calculation but instead of a smooth surface I got kind of a mountain range with
deformations about 1,5 times the element size which conspicuous look like the
tetraeder. Since I need deformation values for my futher investigations it's
not possible just to reduce the element size. However, it works fine with
quadratic hexaeders but they don't fit at all in my geometry.

Thanks for any help.

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