[Geoqus] poroelastic modeling

Tobias Lau Tobias.Lau at uni-jena.de
Mon Feb 12 09:26:46 CET 2007


I model poroelastic fluid flow in fault zones using C3D20P elements and
transient soil steps after a geostatic step. It works fine if I only use the
*porous elastic, *permeability and *density property options (and initial
conditions for effectiv stress, pore pressure, void ratio and saturation), even
with a up to 20 percent distorted mesh. Sadly, I can not improve it anymore due
to a very complex geometry.
But as soon as I include bulk moduli for the rocks and fluid I get deformation
some magnitudes bigger then the deformations I like to analyze. Their
distribution is clearly correlated to the bad meshed regions. I also tried the
tetrahedrons (C3D10MP). Using them I get a perfect mesh, but there a
deformations all about the model (with bulk moduli and without) even bigger as
the ones I get with the bad hexaedron mesh.
Does anyone know how I can get the tetrahedrons to work or how to avoid this
problem with the hexaedrons?

Thanks for any help

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