[Geoqus] Ask two questions

Shiyuan Li s.li at ged.rwth-aachen.de
Wed May 14 14:17:00 CEST 2008

Dear group members :
I am a new PhD student in structural geology and geomechanics group followed with J.Urai in RWTH.

Now I use Abaqus to simulate the rheology of salt, and during the process I have two questions:

a. The power-law amplitude parameter A is a variable of temperature which is linearly distributed in space position, and I try to write a fortran file to define myself. but it is not easy for me.

b. Salt is viscosity material, but in material property, it seems that elasticity must be given then creep can be calculated, but the result does not obey the rule of newtonion fluid flow with pure creep (no elasticity).

I am indeed in a trouble.
Many thanks!
Best Regards!
Shiyuan Li
May 14, 2008

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