[HGI-News] HGI Seminar Kryptographie, 5.November 2004, 14.15 Uhr in NA 01/99

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Mi Nov 3 19:38:39 CET 2004

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

in der Anlage finden Sie eine Einladung zum HGI-Seminar Kryptographie. 

Sie sind zu der Teilnahme herzlich eingeladen. 

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Aleksandra Sowa


Ruhr-Universität Bochum
HGI Seminar Kryptographie 
(Lehrstuhl für Kryptologie und IT-Sicherheit, Prof. Dr. Hans Dobbertin)
"Which Hash Functions will survive ?"
   (Xiaoyun Wang, Shandong University,
    Xuejia Lai, Shanghai Jiaotong University,
    Magnus Daum, Ruhr University Bochum)

   Freitag, 5.November 2004, 14.15 Uhr in NA 01/99
Hash functions are an important primitive in many cryptographical
applications, for example in digital signature schemes, where instead of
a message its short hash value is signed. In practical implementations
hash functions have to be fast and secure. The latter means, that it is
impossible to find so-called "collisions", i.e. pairs of different
messages with the same hash value. 
However, presently no method is known to prove the security of hash
functions. As in case of block ciphers for instance, their design in
practice follows more an adhoc approach. In reality, with only very few
exceptions, hash functions of the MD4 family are applied. Recently there
has been great progress in the analysis of these hash functions. 
At Crypto 2004 rump session in Santa Barbara, collisions for many hash
functions of MD4 type were announced by Xiaoyun Wang, for example for
SHA-0, RIPEMD, HAVAL-128, MD5. We are proud to present a talk of Xiaoyun
Wang and Xuejia Lai, two cryptographers whose analysis was the most
spectacular news at Crypto 2004.
A survey of the current situation in the cryptanalysis of hash functions
of the MD4 family will be given. It starts with a short introduction on
some main aspects and properties of cryptographic hash functions given
by Magnus Daum. Then the techniques used by Dobbertin, Chabaud/Joux and
Biham/Chen in their respective attacks will be roughly sketched. Finally
Wang and Lai will describe ideas and methods they used in their attack.
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