[HGI-News-de] HGI Kolloquium Mi. 20.05.: "Practical secure evaluation of semi-private functions­ " von A. Paus

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Mo Mai 18 21:27:14 CEST 2009


im Rahmen des HGI Kolloquiums "Aktuelle Themen der IT-Sicherheit" wird
am kommenden *Mittwoch* der folgende Vortrag angeboten:

Annika Paus (SysSec):
*Practical secure evaluation of semi-private functions­ *

Mittwoch, der 20. Mai um  11.00 Uhr (*s.t.*)
Raum: IC 4/161

Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen!


Two-party Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) is a very useful
cryptographic tool which allows two parties to evaluate a function known
to both parties on their private (secret) inputs. Some applications with
sophisticated privacy needs require the function to be known only to one
party and kept private (hidden) from the other one. However, existing
solutions for SFE of private functions (PF-SFE) deploy Universal
Circuits (UC) and are still very inefficient in practice.

In this paper we bridge the gap between SFE and PF-SFE with SFE of what
we call {\em semi-private functions} (SPF-SFE), i.e., one function out
of a given class of functions is evaluated without revealing which one.

We present a general framework for SPF-SFE allowing a fine-grained
trade-off and tuning between SFE and PF-SFE covering both extremes. In
our framework, semi-private functions can be composed from several
privately programmable blocks (PPB) which can be programmed with one
function out of a class of functions. The framework allows efficient and
secure embedding of constants into the resulting circuit to improve
performance. To demonstrate practicability of the framework we have
implemented a compiler for SPF-SFE based on the Fairplay SFE framework.

SPF-SFE is sufficient for many practically relevant privacy-preserving
applications, such as privacy-preserving credit checking which can be
implemented using our framework and compiler as described in the paper. ­

Informationen über die nächsten geplanten Vorträge im Rahmen des
HGI Kolloquiums sind auch im Web zu finden:

Mathias Herrmann

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