[HGI-news-int] CfP Security + Physics

English Newsletter of the Horst Gö rtz Institute of IT Security in Bochum hgi-news-international at lists.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed Feb 25 22:22:34 CET 2009

Journal of Cryptology

Special Issue on Hardware and Security 2009

Call for Papers

The goal of this special issue is to advance research in all areas
where cryptography interacts with the physical world. With the
advent of pervasive computing, a host of new devices with security
needs such as smart cell-phones, RFID tags, medical implants, tiny
multimedia players such as the iPod, etc.  have arrived. The
standard blackbox model in which the attacker is assumed to have
only access to the data channels no longer applies, as the opponent
will potentially own the platform. The physical implementation
provides an attacker with a wealth of information related to the
cryptographic implementation, as he/she may listen to and tamper
with the physical aspects of the platform. Even the strongest
cryptographic scheme with a rigorous security proof in the classical
blackbox model may succumb to physical attacks.  Specifically, there
are information leakages which allows a passive attacker who
captures side-channel profiles a means to deduce details of the
algorithms and cryptographic keys.

At the same time, the interaction between physical realization and
crypto algorithms offers new opportunities for security designers. For
instance, subtle variations of the device characteristics can be
exploited for key generation or identification. Physical unclonable
functions (PUFs) based on manufacturing variations of delays, capacitive
load, and on initial memory content are one example for a constructive
use of the interaction between the physical platform and the security
function. The large, and not particularly well understood, field of
tamper resistance is also closely related to the physics of the platform.

Authors with other innovative ideas about relating physics and
cryptography are welcome to submit their
contribution. Please note that quantum cryptography is not in the scope
of this special issue. The topics of the
special issue include but are not limited to:

* Passive and active side-channel attacks: Probing and glitching
attacks and countermeasures, side-channel cryptanalysis,
tamper-proofing and error detection in cryptographic devices and

* Secure Physical Identification: Identification using physical
unclonabls functions (PUFs), secure RF identification.

* Physical Security Models: Theoretical models for physical security,
techniques for enabling security models.

* Trusted Hardware: System and architecture level techniques for
establishing trust in hardware devices.

* Manufacturing related problems: Hardware Trojans, intellectual
property protection, prevention of reverse engineering.

Guest Editors

Christof Paar
Elec. Eng. & Information Sciences Dept.
Ruhr-University Bochum
Bochum, 44780, Germany
Email: cpaar at crypto.rub.de

Jean-Jacques Quisquater
Advanced Research & Security Center
UCL Crypto Group/DICE
Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Place du Levant, 3
Email: jjq at dice.ucl.ac.be

Berk Sunar
Elec. & Computer Eng. Dept.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester, MA 01609-2280, USA
Email: sunar at wpi.edu

Important Dates

  Submission deadline:   September 1st, 2009
  Decisions notifications: February 1st, 2010
  Camera-ready version: April 1st, 2010.

Authors are invited to submit original papers.  Electronic submission
is strongly encouraged.  A detailed description of the electronic
submission procedure appears on the IACR webpages:

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